Our March Staff Spotlight features Lily Zirin! Lily is someone who brings her all to everything she does at camp. She is an incredibly thoughtful and engaged counselor, and her spirit and confidence have added so much to the CRC community over the past several summers. We are so excited to have Lily back at #TheRanch2023! Read below to learn a bit more about Lily’s camp experiences and life in the off-season.

1. How many summers have you been at camp?
The summer of 2023 will be my 8th summer.

2. What cabin were you in during the summer of 2022?
I was in Copper Stripes.

3. What is your favorite part about being a counselor at CRC?
Being able to watch my campers grow and learn and hopefully becoming a role model for them.

4. What was your favorite memory from the summer of 2022?
Working with the White Team CITS on all the big events/games for the summer, especially Realm and Songfest. Even though those games didn’t go in my team’s favor, they were still some of my favorite moments of the summer.

5. What is your favorite camp memory of all time?
My favorite camp memory of all time is being a Kahuna Day Captain during my Lakeview summer (2021). During lunch on Kahuna Day, my team (Go New Years!) along with one of the other teams (shout out St. Patty’s Day!) stood on our benches and chairs during lunch and sang songs. I took a moment and looked around at everyone in the mess hall and it was really special. That day really made me see how special the Chippewa community is. My team got 4th place but it was my favorite day of the summer and made a huge impact on me as a person and a camper.

6. How do you stay in touch with your camp friends during the year?
We have a group chat that we’re constantly texting in and sending funny pictures and memories from the summer. My co-counselors from the summer of 2022 stay super close too and are always Snapchatting- even across the world!

7. What do you do when you are not at camp?
Most of the school year I participate in Theatre at HPHS and in the fall I play field hockey as well. I am also Co President of the class of 2024 class council at HPHS.

8. What are you most excited about for the summer of 2023?
I can’t wait to be a JC and be able to be a lifeguard and be on the waterfront with my campers. I’m excited to watch them grow into amazing girls and be able to make a big impact on their summer!