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Our December Camper Spotlight features Neve F! Neve can always be spotted around camp with a smile on her face. She is a friend to all and leads with enthusiasm and inclusivity. Neve makes the most of every minute at CRC, and she makes camp a better place because of it. We love having Neve as a part of the Chippewa community! Read below to learn more about Neve’s love of CRC and her life in the off-season.

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What cabin were you in during the summer of 2023?
Last summer I was in Silverspurs.

How many summers have you been at camp?
I have been at camp for 2 summers.

What do you love most about camp?
I love being with my friends every day, meeting new people, and all of the activities. They are SO fun!

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What is your favorite memory from the summer of 2023?
My favorite memory is working in the houses during Realm with lots of different people and the surprise when we found out the White team won! We went crazy!

How do you stay in touch with your camp friends during the year?
We have plans, sleepovers and go to the Chippewa reunions. We have big group calls and it is so fun when the counselors answer too.

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What is your favorite subject in school?
My favorite subject is Math.

What activities do you participate in during the year?
I love to dance, and to play soccer and basketball.

What are you most looking forward to in the summer of 2024?
I can’t wait to go to Chippewa for 8 weeks, it’s my first time! I am excited for the Tan and White games… and of course for Realm!

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