Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

We have had quite the day at CRC and I am happy to be reporting all about it!

To begin with, the cabin of Rafter^X returned from their big camping trip that they went on last night. They made the trek all the way to the HNS, which is the house on the South Side of camp. They enjoyed making dinner over the fire, indulged in some delicious s’mores and slept in tents. They came back very excited and proud!

After breakfast, the entire camp gathered around the Center Fire Circle for a very important ceremony- the announcing of the United Nations Day captains. Each summer, on the final Monday of first session, we hold UN Day. UN Day is a day full of competition and spirit in which the camp is broken up into four countries. There are four Colt Village Captains and four Wrangler Village Captains. These campers have been selected by their counselors as campers who demonstrate leadership potential, kindness and camp spirit. It is a huge honor and responsibility to be named a UN Day Captain. The 2022 UN Captains are Julia N, Samantha K, Mia B, Sadie G, Mila S, Lilah K, Emma A and Jessie H. These are eight very well-deserving campers of such an honor and we are excited for them to lead their teams on Monday!

As the day moved on, we enjoyed our first day of second sign-up A-Day Activities! At outdoor cooking, campers made S’moreos and at indoor cooking, campers made oatmeal butterscotch cookies. I was lucky enough to try both, and they were delicious! At skiing, Billie S got up for ten seconds, Chloe M got up and around the lake on two skis and Mikki L dropped for ten seconds. And at fishing, Willow K, Annie F and Skye N all caught fish…Annie’s was huge- possibly the biggest fish I have ever seen caught on Dam Lake! When I stopped by painting, I could not believe the talent in the room…there were both Colt and Wrangler Village campers at the painting table creating beautiful evening landscapes. They were excited to show off their art-work and I was so impressed as I browsed each canvas.

Tonight’s dinner was fun and unique- we had a CRC Productions evening, which included a cowboy themed dinner on the South Field. There was country music, a full decorative scene, costumes and delicious food. It was a good time! To cap off the night, cabins gathered to practice their lip syncs. Lip sync is on Tuesday, and as many of you know, lip sync is a big deal around here…campers and staff alike get very involved and amped for their lip sync performances. From what I have seen so far, there is going to be some pretty intense competition on Tuesday night…these lip syncs look amazing!

So that was our day at #TheRanch2022. It was a good one- campers are definitely immersed in camp life and we are very grateful for that! Thanks for reading…goodnight!

Happy Camping and Love,