Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

Below is this evening’s TSD post written by Avery K. Avery is an incredible member of our staff team, a CIT in the cabin of Boots & Saddles, and she is the Grand Sachem of the White Team. In addition to all of the amazing things that Avery does around camp, Avery is a veteran blogger…she has her very own blog- Mentally I am here. A big thank you to Avery for taking the time to write this amazing post that I am confident you will all love reading!

Happy Camping and Love,

Today was a great day at Chippewa! It started off this morning with delicious breakfast tacos. After cabin cleanup, we had a busy and exciting day of regular B day activities! In cooking, campers made delicious butterscotch cookies, in tennis, they played matches, and in ropes, campers went down the TruBlu! The lake was smooth today and great for skiing, so lots of girls passed skiing levels today! I got the pleasure of being on the skiing boat with Ayden S and Stella S when they passed their skiing levels. It was so exciting to watch and I am so proud of them!

After dinner tonight, the evening program was a Tan and White game called Counselor Hunt; which is definitely a fan favorite. In Counselor Hunt, all of the counselors hide around camp, in and under cabins, and deep in the woods. In pairs, the girls run around camp to find them. The team who finds the most counselors at the end of the game wins. Tonight, the winner was the White Team! It was such a fun game and everyone - both Tans and Whites - had a great time. The evening ended with refreshing showers, cautious tick checks, and exciting Lakeview cabin sitters.

Today was such a fun day, and a vital one as well. It was great for the campers to get back into a normal camp schedule after the crazy day we had yesterday. It seemed like the campers’ spirits were high and the general mood around camp was light and fun. In circumstances like these, we are reminded of how lucky we are to have such a tight-knit community of girls that all support and show love for each other unconditionally. As a counselor, I am so proud of all the campers and how they have handled themselves in the past few days. Especially today and yesterday, we see the true values of the Chippewa community shine through in its campers.

Overall, today was a great day and I can’t wait for the fun that is sure to come for the rest of the session and the summer! Thank you for letting me write The Sari Diaries today. Hopefully, I’ll write to you all again soon!
