Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

Tuesday, July 12th at #TheRanch2022 rocked! Yes we had a regular day of activities, and yes we had Egg Marathon sign-ups, and yes it was Lip Sync, but it was more than any one thing- it was the day in its entirety, and it was the energy that was alive all day long. So here are the details…

We had a lovely pancake breakfast, a productive cabin clean-up and then a full day of activities. At skiing, Chloe L and Logan R got up and around the lake on two skis, Ellie C dropped a ski, Lilah K got up and around the lake on one ski…and she crossed the wakes, and Brooke R crossed the wakes on one ski. Meanwhile, at cooking, they made delicious donuts and at outdoor cooking, they made “Heaven.” At archery, Chandler S hit her 500th gold of the summer! And, over at Arts & Crafts, they made slime, which made lots of campers happy :).

As the day progressed, campers were buzzing more and more about tonight’s evening program, Lip Sync. This is always a favorite- campers love performing in their cabin lip syncs, and they love watching and cheering for all of the other cabins. Tonight was the night when all of their hard work would pay off, and they would climb up Sophie’s Center Stage to show off their skill. Smiles were glowing up on that stage and it was so cool to see campers young and old letting loose. The entire night was amazing but there were a couple of highlights I’d like to make mention of.

First of all, Sydney Feldman and Dylan Grossmann MC’d the evening. They did an improv performance between each lip sync to let us know who was up next. It was sooooo funny, and very impressive! One of my favorite moments of the night occurred right before the Trailriders performance when we had some audio issues. As we waited for them to be resolved, Emmie D and Millie F put on an impromptu rap battle. When they were running out of material, Samantha Graines came on stage to sing “Girl Party,” which is a Sam Graines original and a CRC favorite since 2013. I loved how it was so seamless to keep the energy up and the entertainment going…campers didn’t miss a beat when the music came back on!

And then there was Lakeview…the Lakeview lip sync always gets me. Whenever Lakeview gets on stage for Lip Sync, I get emotional. Each year it feels like an exclamation point on their camp careers. Don’t get me wrong, we have plenty of camping left, and these campers have a ton to look forward to before their days as campers are over. But when they were up there tonight, I could feel their joy…they have been waiting to do their Lakeview Lip Sync since they were young campers…they have been waiting to hear the cheers for an encore for years…and they have been picturing themselves in wild and crazy costumes dancing every Chippy dance move in the book with smiles plastered across their faces. And tonight, they got just that. Even Annie M who is currently on crutches, got on stage in a blow-up costume and had her moment!

After a short dance party while the judges conferred, cabins locked pinkies in anticipation of finding out the winners. From the Colt Village, Rafter^X, performing “I Just Can’t Wait To Be King” won, and from the Wrangler Village, Bowed Legs performing “Six” came out on top! Both performances were incredible! I imagine it wasn’t easy being a judge tonight because there were so many excellent lip syncs. The songs were creative, the costumes were outrageous, and the unity was on point!

That’s all for now- it was really something special at CRC today and we are excited for another day of happiness tomorrow! Thanks for reading…have a good night!

Happy Camping and Love,