Dearest Chippies,

Soph Aloaf here, ready to update you on another busy day at CRC. It really was such a good day. The sun was shining bright, and campers were taking advantage of opportunities all around camp. I won’t waste your time tonight with my tangents and chatter… let’s get right to the good stuff.

Any day that starts with donuts and blueberry muffins is destined to be amazing, right?! After a delicious breakfast, we had a full day of regular activities. I drove a ski boat with Ava T, Logan W and Inslee S. All 3 girls got up on the boom and were feeling proud of themselves afterwards! Over at archery, the Hunger Games Competition was in full swing. Campers are channeling their inner Katniss Everdeen and competing to see which age group can get the most golds by the end of the week. I won’t reveal any spoilers, but let’s just say that there is some fierce competition and impressive skill out there! Oh yeah, and Blackfoot, Silverspurs, A-Frame, C-C and Bowed Legs all returned from their camping trips with nothing but positive things to say. Sophie Friedland is really crushing the trips this summer!

After an amazing day (and canteen!), we extended the excitement with a Kawaga social. It was luau-themed, and campers enjoyed some delicious snacks while talking with siblings, cousins and friends. There were good vibes out there; lots of singing and dancing and chatting between Chippy girls and Kawaga boys. And if that wasn’t enough fun for one day, we ended the day with a Tan & White favorite—Stalk the Lantern. In the pitch black, staff sat in a bullseye in the field. Campers tried to navigate the bullseye by walking, running or crawling; the closer to the middle they got without getting caught by the Neutrals, the more points they earned for their team. It was a good effort shown by both Tans and Whites, but in the end, the White team pulled through with the victory!

And there you have it, friends. I think I speak for everyone when I say that this session has come and gone faster than I ever could have imagined. I’ll be back next week with my final Sari Diaries entry of the session. As always, I’m sure there will be lots of amazingness to recap.

Talk to you then!

Soph Aloaf