Dearest Chippies,

Greetings from CRC! Another action-packed, fun-filled day over here at #TheRanch2022. I know you’re sitting there at the other side of this screen just chomping at the bits to find out the details of this wonderful day. Let’s just get right to it…

The day started out as the best of days at camp begins… with a Lake Swim! White Cap swimmers woke up early, and before breakfast even started they had free-styled their way across the lake and back. They showcased their swim skills, and their endurance was quite impressive. They celebrated with a gourmet McDonald’s breakfast. Talk about a strong start to the day!

The day continued with a full day of regular activities—a rarity during second session due to all our special programming. Mugs were thrown in pottery, pizza was baked in Cooking, and smiles were seen all across camp. Per usual, there were also LOTS of skiing achievements today. Yael S and Inslee S got up and around the lake on two skis, Ellie C got up and around the lake on one ski and Chloe M dropped and skied on one ski for 10 seconds. I mean… talk about talent! At this rate, we are going to have 570823 Chippy Bats by the end of the summer!

We rounded out the day with one of the biggest Tan and White games of the summer: Songfest. Songfest is one of Chippewa’s longest standing Tan and White traditions; and tonight—after a great deal of planning, creativity and dedication—Tanside Out and Wreck it Ralph Whites took the stage and performed their hearts out. In preparation for tonight’s performances, Avery K and Lauren G of the White Team as well as Emma E and Charlie K of the Tan Team (with the help of the rest of the CITs) poured countless hours into making skits, songs, murals and medallions. From where I sat in the audience this evening, what was just as noticeable and impressive as the performances themselves was the immense pride that campers young and old displayed as they sung their respective cheers. Preparing for Songfest is no easy feat; it takes a great deal of time, effort, teamwork and leadership to prepare a team for Songfest. Tonight’s performances demonstrated that both teams prioritized team morale and pride in addition to the content of the performances themselves. Tonight, the Tan team won the game of Songfest, but the sportsmanship demonstrated by White Team Sachems was an incredible display of leadership. In my eyes, that means that both teams walk away as winners. Thank you to all Tans and Whites, but specifically Avery, Lauren, Emma and Charlie, for your leadership and commitment to the tradition of Tan and White. Tonight’s many successes were a direct reflection of your hard work as the Grand Sachems, and your leadership will continue to shape young campers’ commitment to the Tan & White program for many summers to come.

So… now do you see what I mean about it being an amazing day?! It was a good one. Dare I say… a really good one. And lucky for us, there is no shortage of those around here.

Thanks for reading, and see you next week!

Soph Aloaf