Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

Another week at #TheRanch2022 is in the books, and while I cannot believe how quickly these weeks are flying by, I am happy to report that this was another truly wonderful week! I always love the uniqueness of Sundays- while we appreciate regular activity days at camp, Sundays are a little bit different…a nice break from the routine. And this Sunday was kind of just the perfect camp day. Here’s how it went…

On my way into the lodge for Sunday breakfast, I was happy to see our typical large crowd in line waiting to place their orders. There were Rafter campers playing some game (still not sure what the game was) with some of the older girls. It brought a smile to my face to see these older campers laughing along with the youngest campers in one of the “between the bricks” moments that we talk about. Those unstructured times when campers have some freedom to do what they want to do seem to be some of the most consequential parts of camp…when they make memories that will definitely stick with them. After passing by that cute scene, I got into the kitchen to make the very first Sunday breakfast of second session. Campers flowed into the lodge to order pancakes, omelets and scrambles. It was a smooth morning in the kitchen, and from what I can tell, campers loved their Sunday morning breakfast!

We then got ready to board the buses and head to Minocqua for TOWN DAY! The excitement was electric…campers and staff alike were excited to hit the streets of Minocqua to eat fudge, grab some lunch and check out the shops. Interestingly, the hot item to purchase in town was an extendable fork…weird, I know! If your camper is in C-C or Bowed Legs, I’m almost positive she will be returning home with a very long fork. Overall, it was a wonderful day in town for all of us Chippies!

Upon returning back to CRC, Tans and Whites had a Songfest practice, which I hear was excellent. It sounds like both the Tans and Whites are feeling almost ready for Songfest, which is fast approaching! Cabins then put the final touches on their lip syncs before dinner (delicious Sunday Night Pizza Dinner!).

And then, we were all called to the theater! Campers ran to the north end of camp to enter The Little Theater in all sorts of costumes. This evening’s performances were fantastic. I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect because Lip Sync came fairly early this session. But this evening did not disappoint…not even close…these cabins had it all- there was humor, there was talent, there was confidence, there was cheering, there was unity and there was FUN. It was amazing to see these campers on stage having what looked like the times of their lives while their counselors were in the audience beaming with pride. Every cabin should feel good about their work tonight but the cabins of A-Frame and Boots were the official winners! While they headed to Cathy’s, the rest of the camp enjoyed a dance party and some sugary canteen!

I was lucky enough to be a part of the Cathy’s crew tonight. I loved having six Boots campers in my car to and from Cathy’s. Riley F, Sammi S, Lexi S, Anabelle L, Zoey P and Jillian C were hilarious. Listening to them excitedly recount tonight’s happenings was amazing. They were so excited about their victory, and wanted to share every detail of how it came to be…from how they picked the song to the last minute costume change they decided on, and of course, how the actual performance went. I loved to hear what they had to say and I appreciated every single ounce of their boundless energy.

That’s all I got for now but I hope you enjoyed reading all about our wonderful day at CRC! Have a great evening :).

Happy Camping and Love,