Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

As we head into week four at #TheRanch2022, I am in disbelief that there are less than five days left in the first session. Time has certainly flown, and while I think that’s better than time dragging on, I am not ready to already be at the tail end of these four weeks. BUT, here at CRC, we know that there’s plenty of camping left, so I will shift this entry to focus on all of the wonderful things that happened today!

Sunday morning breakfast was delicious (if I do say so myself). The pancakes, omelets and scrambled were on point and campers left the Adler Lodge feeling very satisfied with their breakfasts this morning. Towards the end of breakfast, the Rafter^X campers came back to the lodge parading in costume…they looked cute (of course) and very festive. We were unsure of the occasion but after a small interrogation, we learned that there was a miscommunication with their counselors…their counselors were telling them to get dressed and ready for the day but they thought they heard that it was time to “dress-up,” and so they did just that! It made for a fun and funny Sunday morning!

After breakfast, we had a Sunday morning Fudd’s Cabin Clean-Up Challenge, and campers worked diligently to clean their cabins in hopes of earning ice cream from Fudd’s. Boots, C-C and Lakeview all won today’s challenge, and rumor has it, the cabins were VERY clean! To end the morning, age groups did a variety of bonding activities. Boots, Cactus and Copper Stripes had an awesome nucomb tournament on the volleyball court, Lakeview learned their lip sync and other age groups were happy around camp spending time together.

And then this afternoon was everybody’s favorite, tubing!!! Cliff, Lizzy and Ari pulled tubers all afternoon and campers had a blast. While waiting to tube and after tubing, there was a massive dodgeball tournament happening in the New Building. Circle C was the Colt Village champion and Trailriders came out on top for the Wrangler Villagers. There is supposed to be a face-off sometime soon between the two cabins…with some leveling factor due to the age difference and number of camper difference. I will keep you all posted when and if it happens!

Tonight was Tan & White Skit Night and it rocked! The Braves from each team created a commercial…the Tans for “Pots & Tans,” and the Whites for “High-Whiter.” Both were very cute and focused on the values that make their respective teams so strong. The Hunters from each team created and performed a new cheer that was awesome, and the Warriors made and sang a song…honestly, those were both very impressive! And finally, the Chiefs performed their skits. There were definitely some funny parts, but some of their jokes went way over my head…maybe I’m just getting old! In the end, the Tans came out victorious tonight, and the cheering at the end of the evening was LOUD!

So that was our day at CRC- the final Sunday of first session. We are all very excited for United Nations Day tomorrow…the spirit is already high, and I am predicting tomorrow to be one of the top five days of the summer of 2022…I guess we shall see :). Thanks for reading!

Happy Camping and Love,