Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

Instead of a typical Saturday night podcast, we are going with a traditional TSD entry tonight. Many of you may be wondering why, and I understand the confusion. But I am happy to report that tomorrow is Realm Eve, and we are going to do a podcast tomorrow night instead, so that all of you can hear the excitement that goes on as we all prepare for Realm!

As for today, it was lovely. We had our most regular day in a long time. It was filled with B-Day activities, delicious meals and a Menominee Color Run. During swim periods, campers enjoyed Realm School, where they learned what their roles will be throughout Realm. There were lots of questions asked and answered, and the anticipation is definitely building. Speaking of Realm, many campers have noticed that there is a big locked treasure chest near the Mother Tree but nobody knows what it is or what’s inside. I am pretty confident the only people who actually know are those on the Realm Development Team. This crew has been working tirelessly to prepare for this multi-day Tan and White event.

In other news around camp, during skiing today, many campers got a chance to go tubing. They had a blast flying around Dam Lake behind the ski boats. And at arts and crafts, they made jibbitz! I was so impressed with the gummy bear shaped jibbitz that campers came to the office to show me throughout the day…they were awesome! At the high ropes course, I stopped by just as Coral S was dropping down the TruBlue- it was fun to see the huge smile on her face and the cheers from her friends as she stepped off the ledge and dropped into the red square of rubber mulch.

Tonight, after a wonderful Saturday night BBQ, we shuttled the camp to Menominee for the annual Chippewa-Menominee Color Run. It was a blast and campers loved running across Menominee as they got doused in colored powder! Definitely check out tonight’s photos- I am positive there will be some keepers! And now everybody is back in their cabins, and hopefully preparing for a wonderful and long night of sleep.

Thanks for reading- have a great night!

Happy Camping and Love,