Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

The first full day of second session was truly amazing. It was a long one but it was a good one…it had all of the components of a lovely day of camp and I am tiredly excited to tell you all about it!

We all had the pleasure of waking up to a fan favorite “Nina Pretty Ballerina” while learning that it is National Sour Candy Day. Then after a delicious breakfast, and our first cabin clean-up of the session, we had rotations…play try-outs (this year’s musical is Annie!), swim tests, White Cap try-outs, trampball, gaga and more occupied our morning! I loved seeing Lakeview campers (age 15) playing an intense game of gaga with tri-cabin campers (age 10)…it was super-cute!

During rest period, we had the big Tan & White reveal for first year campers. And this afternoon was sign-ups! Campers were ecstatic to create their activity schedule for the next two weeks. While not signing up, campers blobbed, slipped and slided on the splash mat, went down the water slide and participated in a water relay in the South Field. When I walked down to the waterfront, I got to see Sydney B going down the slide with Leah Berns…there was pure joy on Sydney’s face- it was awesome!

During our pizza dinner, the rain began. Some campers were thrilled- specifically the C-C campers, who were jumping in puddles and loving the refreshing nature of the precipitation. That said, the rain ruined our plans for Sandstorm (the typical first Tan & White game of second session) BUT it gave us the opportunity to do Tan and White Lip Sync…aka T.A.W.L.S. It was so much fun to watch campers of all ages on stage dancing their hearts out. Some of them were spending only their second night at CRC but they were having a ball on Sophie’s Center Stage. There were some serious dance moves going on in the Little Theater but way more importantly, there were ginormous smiles across the faces of so many campers. Inslee S, Lila M and Jill M all had solos in their lip syncs, and they rocked it! While each and every lip sync was incredible tonight, the Tans were the official winners of this game. A big congratulations to all campers for participating in this amazing program!

And that’s about all I’ve got for today. It was wonderful, that’s for sure! Thanks for reading…have a great evening!

Happy Camping and Love,