Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

Friday, July 8th at #TheRanch2022 has come and gone and it was a truly lovely day around here. As I think you all know, Fridays tend to be my favorite at camp, and today was definitely a favorite. Here is how the day went…

After a late night last night because of Stalk the Lantern, we did a 30 minute sleep-in, which was appreciated by all. We then headed to the Center Fire Circle to learn our UN Day teams. The captains and advisors announced their respective teams, and there was lots of excitement as everybody learned what team they are on, who their teammates are and what colors they will be wearing. Monday is going to be an amazing day full of competition, spirit, team work and fun!

Throughout the day, we had regular activities, and per usual, there were wonderful things happening everywhere! Sadie G caught her ninth fish…that is the current record at CRC! Over at the south end of camp, campers were climbing up the “stairway to heaven” and then going down the TrueBlue at the Chippy Ropes Course. It was also very exciting to see a legit softball game led by Samantha Graines in the South Field. And at skiing, Blake W got up for ten seconds, Billie S and Annabelle K got up and around the lake on two skis, Ava Z dropped for ten seconds, Chloe G dropped and got around the lake on one and Leah C dropped and crossed the wakes!

Tonight’s campfire theme was “Embracing Your Differences,” and was written by Lily Z. It was a beautiful campfire with a ton of camper and staff participation. To begin with, Milly & Olivea Crothers told us all about their home country, New Zealand. And then Julia H took over to lead the campfire. We had wonderful sermonettes by Lily Z and Cameron B both of whom shared personal stories about embracing their differences, and describing how camp is the perfect place to begin feeling confident and proud of our differences. Sam J, Harper M, Olivia S, Millie F and Chloe M all got up to share readings, and we sang “Friends” and “All My Life’s a Circle.” We ended the program with a really sweet Keylog Ceremony and the Chippewa Creed.

Camp is now quiet- everyone is happily resting and preparing for another incredible day tomorrow. And tomorrow I will be back with a Happy Camping and Love podcast episode. Until then, take good care!

Happy Camping and Love,