Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

We had a lovely day on Dam Lake and I am here to tell you all about it! Here it goes…

After a thirty minute sleep-in, we had a wonderful breakfast (breakfast tacos), an excellent cabin clean-up and then we got straight into activities. Down at the fishing docks, Maddie J caught a blue gill, which was very exciting! And at skiing, Emma S dropped a ski & crossed the wakes, and Chloe M lifted a ski! This morning at swimming, Sydney B went on the blob for the first time, and absolutely loved it. The smile plastered across her face was priceless! At cooking, they made blueberry wonton cups. Kayla Z told me that she was IAing in cooking, and explained that it was so fun to help the younger campers preparing the ingredients. That’s one of the many things I love about this place- older campers around here genuinely take an interest in the younger campers, and the positive impact it has on those youngers is huge…it makes a legitimate difference in their summers to have older campers as kind and fun role models.

In addition to regularly scheduled activities, we had an amazing culminating tennis intensive with Denise this morning. The campers and staff members who participated left feeling great about their improvement over the last couple of days, and while they were a bit tired, really enjoyed the extra instruction and playing time!

Of course, there were plenty of office visitors throughout the day today. Braelyn S stopped by to let us know that it was her mom’s birthday. She requested that we give Nikki a shout-out and wish her a happy birthday in TSD. So…HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Nikki!

Tonight we loaded the buses to visit Camp Ojibwa for a social. The girls had a blast hanging with their friends, seeing their family members and enjoying the world famous Ojibwa chocolate chip cookies. To end the night, campers who hadn’t yet experienced the CRC Productions Haunted House, tried it out. I have to tell you that this thing is amazing. There is a full-on house built inside the new building. It is complete with a kitchen, family room, bathroom, primary bedroom, child’s bedroom laundry room, mudroom and garage. It is a haunted house, ghost hunting expedition, and it is crazy. Definitely a little bit scary (different levels of scary for different ages) but it is also fun and exciting to work your way through the house trying to find the haunted objects, and staying away from the ghost. Campers and staff have absolutely loved it- the time and effort that was put in by Cliff and his Haunted House Dev Team was well worth it. I am amazed at the attention to detail within the house, the concept of the experience, and quite honestly, every single element of this CRC Production!

So that was our day at #TheRanch2022. We are all very excited for Camper Counselor Day tomorrow. Annie M from Lakeview and I are switching places, so you can expect to hear from her in tomorrow night’s edition of The Sari Diaries. That’s all for now- thanks for reading!

Happy Camping and Love,