Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

I will start with an apology because I know you were all looking forward to tonight’s podcast, but I am unfortunately here to disappoint. I have some great content for the pod but the evening program ran late, so I am going to give you a regular old TSD rundown of our day at #TheRanch2022. Don’t worry though, the podcast will air tomorrow night instead!

We had a wonderful and full day of regular B-Day activities. The horseback riding classes went on trail rides, and it was so fun to see campers on horse back around camp with huge smiles across their faces. I also was lucky enough to stop by the high ropes course just before the period ended and I got to go up the spiral stair-case, across the “V’s” and down the TruBlue! It was so much fun and definitely a good thrill. The best part though was all of the campers down below cheering me on…campers at CRC are just the sweetest! As we all know, 4th of July is quickly approaching, and Lakeview is working very hard to ensure that everything is set for the day. They are doing an amazing job and I am so excited to see the looks on first year camper faces when they see just how incredible the final product is going to be! Not only are the LV campers busy working on murals and decorations, they are also helping prepare the food. This afternoon, some of the LV campers helped make 800 Oreo Balls…pretty awesome! And, of course, as skiing, there were plenty of achievements…Chloe M and Chloe L got up for ten seconds, Charlie I & Lexi K got up and around the lake on two skis, Ayden S & Liv K crossed the wakes on two skis and Julia E lifted for ten seconds.

And after a delectable BBQ dinner, we boarded the buses to head to Camp Timberlane for a social. Campers were so excited to see their brothers, cousins and friends who attend Timberlane. The boys put on a wonderful carnival complete with games, music and snacks. We had a blast!

So that was our day at CRC. It is crazy to think that we are officially done with our first set of sign-ups…time has certainly flown! These first two weeks have been incredible- despite the fact that it feels like only a couple of days have passed, so much has happened…just two weeks ago, we had campers who were brand new to Chippewa, and trying to navigate their transition to camp. And now, it feels like this entire camp community really gets what we are all about…they are comfortable and they are living their best lives. It is truly amazing that in such a short period of time, so much can change! But there is still plenty of camping left, and there is still plenty of growth to be had. So for now, we will get excited for all that lies ahead and appreciate the magic that the first two weeks brought us!

That’s about all for tonight…I am sorry to be brief but more to come tomorrow and next week!

Happy Camping and Love,