Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

We are officially in our groove at #TheRanch2022, and while everyone has really settled nicely into camp life, the energy and spirit are still incredibly high. Today was amazing and I am excited to tell you all about the excitement. Here it goes…

After a delicious breakfast, and an impressive cabin clean-up (both Bowed Legs & Circle C earned a 100 on their cabin clean-up score!), we had a full day of regular activities. This morning, Shiloh C, Kedzie Z, Emerson M, Lila M, Lucy O, Lily Z, Stella R and Harper M all trotted for the first time…way to go girls! Additionally, Lucy W climbed the wall in a minute and ten seconds- she holds the current camper record! Meanwhile, at skiing, Stephanie S got up and around the lake, Anabelle L & Emerson R dropped a ski, and Jada C, Julia F & Lila G got up for ten seconds. Over at fishing, Sadie G caught three fish!! And at outdoor cooking, campers were loving their chocolate quesadillas that they cooked over the fire. Basically, all over camp, there were amazing things happening, and campers were happy!

And then this afternoon, after our chicken-ranch wrap lunch, we all headed back to our activities. I was over at ninja with Scarlett L, Ava L, Halen M, Shiloh C, Avery Z, Naomi M, Reece M, Reese L and Sydney Z. I was very impressed with their ninja skills…they were running up the warped walls like it was nothing and they climbed up on the obstacles and then across them as if they were professionals. Between 4th and 5th periods, Ava L, Scarlett L and I played a nice little game of pickleball…they are GOOD and I am excited to get back on the court soon to improve my own skills!

In addition to all of this good stuff, we were excited to welcome Trailriders back from their two night camping trip to Mackinac Island. They had a blast, and had plenty of stories to share. The pictures look amazing, and we are so happy that they had the chance to go on this awesome bonding trip within their first two weeks of being together as an age group in one cabin this summer!

Tonight’s evening program was Screen on the Green- always a cute night at CRC. Campers gathered on the North Field with blankets, chairs, and other gear to prepare to watch Tangled on the big blow-up screen. There was popcorn, candy and soda, which Chippies always appreciate! For Screen on the Green, we wait until it’s pretty close to dark to start the movie, so we had a good hour or so to mingle on the field and hang. As I watched campers simply enjoying each other’s company, it was clear to me that we were fully in camp mode. Campers are comfortable living their camp lives, and even in the moments that are not fully structured, campers are at ease just being with each other.

So that was our day, and I am sure you will agree based on the above, it was wonderful! Thanks for reading, enjoy Soph-Aloaf’s post tomorrow, and have a great evening!

Happy Camping and Love,