Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

Our first full day at #TheRanch2022 was a busy one and it was a huge success. From morning wake-up to celebrate Emery S’s birthday all the way through the late night Lakeview meeting, there was a lot going on at CRC. So without too much of an intro, here we go…

After a delicious breakfast and important cabin clean-up, activity rotations began. Age groups traveled in a pack around camp preparing for activity sign-ups in the afternoon. Campers took their swim tests, met the horses, played some tennis, learned about climbing the wall, and jumped on the tramps. It was a great way for new campers to once again walk around camp, and it also gave them a chance to sample some of the activities offered this summer. While working their way around camp, we had a ton of visitors in the office, many of whom got a special CRC 75th jibbit (yes, very exciting!). Cliff, Sophie and I made our way to the new Four Square Court where we got to play some Four Square with Sadie S and Jilly C…it was awesome!

This afternoon brought a whole new level of excitement…the very first activity sign-up of the summer! Campers were eager to create their A and B Day schedules for the first two weeks…they signed up as an age group, meandered around the Adler Lodge to scout out all of the activities being offered, and created their ideal schedules. While not in activity sign-ups, there was pickle ball being played on the brand new pickle ball court, Jail was being played over at tennis and Musical Basketballs was rocking on the basketball courts! Overall, the afternoon was a hit for all, and the build-up to the first day of activities tomorrow was intense.

And then we had a delicious Taco Tuesday dinner followed by the big Tan & White reveal. We all gathered around the Center Fire Circle to watch as all new campers lined up to find out which team they will forever be connected to. And the reveal was awesome…each camper got a small water bottle and a little cup of vinegar. They poured the vinegar into the water bottle and the bottle exploded with either white or red…it was fun to watch, and this science experiment (known as Elephant Toothpaste) was an amazing way for the newest Chippies to learn their teams.

Once teams were officially known, Tans headed to the South Field and Whites to the North. They learned their slogans, practiced some cheers and voted for their Sachems (Tan & White Captains). When we reunited at the Center Fire Circle, the Second Year JCs performed an excellent rendition of Scarlett Snow…the historical T&W founder whose story is traditionally told on the first night of Tan and White each summer. The Neutrals- Talia Cohen, Lucy Goldsmith & Talia Solomon- then announced the 2022 Tan and White Sachems. This is a very high honor at Chippewa, and we are so proud of this collection of campers & CITs for being elected by their peers…we know they will prove to be excellent leaders for their teams throughout this summer and we are excited to watch it all unfold! And these sachems are…

White Brave Sachem- Lucy B
Tan Brave Sachem- Ellie C
White Hunter Sachem- Noa G
Tan Hunter Sachem- Summer K
White Warrior Sachem- Jayden G
Tan Warrior Sachem- Sadie G
White Chief Sachem- Lauren G
Tan Chief Sachem- Charlie K
White Grand Sachem- Avery K
Tan Grand Sachem- Emma E

If you are still reading this, you know that we had an action-packed day! We can’t wait for another wonderful day tomorrow- the day that begins our official summer routine. But for today, that’s all…thanks for reading!

Happy Camping and Love,