Dearest Chippies,

I can’t believe it has already been a week since my last Sari Diaries. So much has happened, yet it also feels like no time has passed at all. It’s crazy. Time really does fly when you’re having fun! I guess that is the blessing and the curse of camp…

I’m sure it comes as no surprise that today was another amazing day at CRC. I was lucky enough to spend 2nd period at Random House with Julia F, Juliet G, Lila G, and Inslee S. They had me laughing for an hour straight while we used random objects and art supplies to craft a model of Chippewa. We admittedly didn’t get very far in the project, but we had a blast chatting about camp and life and more random topics than I can count!

The fun continued during rest hour, when I wrote some letters with Charlotte H and Juliet G. We had lots of visitors who stopped by to hang with us, and we all wrote letters to friends and family members (there’s even a letter coming for you, Mom!). It’s easy to get caught up in the chaos of camp life, and it was so nice to just slow down for a little while and get back to some camp basics. These girls had so many achievements and stories to share in their letters, and I loved reading their accounts of what they are enjoying about their summers so far!

Speaking of achievements… as always, there were also lots of activity achievements around camp. At skiing, Annabelle K and Lexi K got up on 2 skis for 10 seconds, and Emma S got up and around the lake on the boom rope. Chandler S surpassed 200 golds in archery (which is more than the instructor, Luke!). Slime was made in arts & crafts and lots of campers threw mugs on the pottery wheel. I also saw several very intense games of Gaga going on throughout the day. There was action all around!

Well… I think that’s about it for tonight. Another incredible, action-packed day in the books for summer 2022. Sari will be back tomorrow with more Chippy amazingness, and I’ll talk to you all again next Thursday. Thanks for reading!

Soph Aloaf