This month’s Alumni Spotlight features Samara Elkins. Although Samara hasn’t been on staff since 2010, her impact at CRC endures- most notably, we have Samara to thank for one of our most popular evening programs… Pirate Night! In her many years at Chippewa, Samara brought enthusiasm, Chippy spirit, care and dedication to her campers, the staff and the CRC community at-large. A huge thank you to Samara for taking the time to reflect on her camp experience and for sharing some memories from her days at CRC. Read below to learn all about Samara’s time at Chippewa as well as about her life in Atlanta!

What years were you at CRC?

Which summer was your favorite and why?
That is a tough question. As a camper: Trailriders because of the camping trip and everyone getting to be one cabin together was so much fun! As a counselor: 2010 as the Program Director because it was so fun to get to be a part of putting on some of those favorite activities from the other side. But honestly, they are all up there in terms of which year is really the favorite!

What is your favorite camp memory?
Oh goodness… where to begin. I could go on and on. I do not have one memory that truly sticks out (even after calling my sister for help!) because all the memories build up into the total camp experience. I have the memories where I did things I didn’t know I could or hadn’t done before and came out stronger. I have the memories where I laughed so hard, I probably peed in my pants. So many memories are my favorites for different reasons. Lost bather drills were terrifying yet empowering, competitions were stressful but I loved the way everyone would work together, getting into that COLD Dam Lake was something to fight as much as embrace once you were in, Lip Sync competitions were totally not my thing, but I always had a blast (especially since I wasn’t the one choreographing).

What was your favorite activity at camp?
CAPTURE THE FLAG WITHOUT QUESTION! I loved how the entire camp played and was a part of it.

Were you a Tan or a White?

How do you keep in touch with your camp friends?
Let’s see… frequent FaceTimes, an active group text called Chippy Chicas, random phone calls, and visits whenever we can!

Where do you live now?
Atlanta. We just moved back to my hometown from Fort Worth, Texas most recently.

What do you do?
I wrangle 2 wild and fun children (Barrett: 4 & Breelyn: 2) and provide career services including resume writing and career coaching.

What do you miss most about camp?
Now looking back, I miss the whole vibe the most. What I am trying to say is that I miss most of the parts that I took for granted before I had kids, work, and grown-up life. I would love to sit out on the daisy or stroll into the mess hall in my pjs in the morning or sleep in a cabin with all my girls.

Anything else you want to share with your Chippy family?
I hope my daughter gets to meet some of yours!