Our September Staff Spotlight features Ari Harkavy! Ari is a fantastic counselor who shows an incredible amount of care for and dedication to her campers. Ari is thoughtful, kind and hardworking, and as a Rafter^X counselor during the summer of 2021, she did all that she could to share her love of CRC with her first-year campers. Ari is a huge asset to our staff team and we are so grateful to have her as a part of the Chippewa community. Thanks for all you bring to camp, Ari! Read below to learn more about Ari’s life at camp and in the off-season.

1. How many summers have you been at camp?
I have been to camp for 9 summers… so next year will be my tenth!

2. What cabin were you in during the summer of 2021?
I was in Rafter^X.

3. What is your favorite part about being a counselor at CRC?
My favorite part about being a counselor was getting to know all of my campers and watching them experience camp for the first time.

4. What was your favorite memory from the summer of 2021?
My favorite memory from this past summer is when I told my campers about a stuffed animal zip line I made my first summer with my cabin… and then the next day I walked in during rest hour and they were making one too!

5. What is your favorite camp memory of all time?
I can’t possibly pick one memory as my favorite, but something I could always count on to be so fun was performing Lip Sync with my cabin.

6. How do you stay in touch with your camp friends during the year?
We are constantly texting in our group chat trying to find a time when we can all see each other! We always send each other things that remind us of camp and stay up-to-date on each other’s lives.

8. What are you most excited about for the summer of 2022?
I’m looking forward to being back at my favorite place with my most favorite people!!

9. What do you do when you are not at camp?
At home, I love to dance so I’m on Poms and Orchesis at GBN. I choreograph and direct for our school’s Variety Show, and I also love spending time with my family, friends, and dog Rosco.

10. Anything else you want to share with your Chippy family?
I love being a Chippy and wouldn’t want to be spend my summers anywhere else!