Emily: Hello Chippy friends and families, and happy Sunday! Emily Jaksich here. Tonight I’m joined by Sammy K., better known as Ro-buishia on County O, to tell you all about our day at camp…

Sammy: I’m so excited to be writing for the Sari Diaries this week because it’s something I have always wanted to do!! Today was a Sunday, but we treated it like a Saturday because of 10-year celebrations earlier this weekend. This morning for breakfast we had a bagel bar with multiple kinds of cream cheese, vegetables, eggs, and bacon. This was a new breakfast, and probably one of my new favorite camp meals! After breakfast, we found out the Kahuna Day captains for the coming week- Emma S., Alexa R., Talia M., and Jillian M. for Colt Village and Danielle K., Lily Z., Maddie L., and Jordyn V., for Wrangler Village captains.

Then we did a short cabin clean-up, and got ready for our first day of new activities! I started my day with running and land sports (we played a fun game of Gaga). Afterwards, we had picnic lunch and took our cabin pictures in the South Field. At lunchtime announcements, we sang to Jen the Baker for her birthday then headed straight into third period for the start of afternoon activities. I had all waterfront activities but I also spent some of the time in a Realm meeting with my age group (more on that in a sec). Later we had dinner, which was BBQ since we had pizza yesterday instead of today. Now back to Realm- for the evening program we had “Realm Eve” or Realm Selections, where every camper learns their house, army, or round table position. Realm is a Tan and White game (GO WHITE!!) that is inspired by the Hunger Games, Game of Thrones, and Monopoly. It’s hard to explain, but there’s a full economy and town running while each team is trying to attack the other’s castle. Everyone has a role and each position is selected randomly within age groups. I was placed into the White army as a medic. There is only one medic for each army, and my job is to save people when they get hit with a black or white cannon (dodgeball). I can only save one person for every attack I go on, but I go on multiple attacks during the day. If I get hit with a black or white cannon I can’t save anyone, which gives the other team an advantage. I am so excited to start Realm in the morning, but for now I’m going back to the cabin to play cards before bed (I’ve gotten super good at Gin this summer) or write a letter to my parents- Hi Mom and Dad… does this count? Anyway, thanks for reading about my day!

Emily: A truly excellent recap of our day at CRC- thank you Sammy. Make sure to keep an eye out for all the Realm updates to come- it’s sure to be amazing!! That’s all for tonight.

Lots of love,

Emily and Sammy K.