Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

We’ve got another rainy night on our hands but we also have a camp full of happy campers. We had a unique day, which was a nice twist for all. Here’s what happened…

It all began in the typical way…a birthday wake-up (happy birthday Halle S and Liv K), and a Realm Seven Wonders Quiz. Then, after a delicious pancake, sausage and scrambled eggs breakfast, we had cabin clean-up. Cabins are really starting to amp up their cleaning because the race for Second Session Honor Cabin is very tight at the moment. This morning’s activities were awesome- Kayla Z hit her 25th gold and is now officially a member of the Gold Club, Lilah K and Hope F dropped a ski and got around the lake on one ski and Annie S crossed the wakes on two skis!

Straight from lunch, we all headed to the North Field for our second session all-camp photo. As a camp, I would give us an A+ in efficiency for today’s picture. It’s not an easy task but there was great improvement from the first session photo. And then something very exciting happened- we had a rest hour! Leading up to Songfest, we sometimes miss out on rest hours (because we are often practicing), so today there were big cheers when we announced that there would be a full hour :). Following rest hour, we had open activities…a rarity at CRC. Campers got to choose what they wanted to do- they skied, they sailed, they kayaked, they blobbed, they SUP’d, and that was just on the waterfront. There were plenty of campers climbing, shooting arrows at archery, riding and sculpting at pottery. While we love the way we typically do activities, it was a real treat to change things up a bit.

And then tonight, due to the rain, we had a movie night. It was a very welcomed relaxing night in the New Building, and we all enjoyed watching “The Pacifier.” At the end of the movie, there was a bit of garbage left behind and Sammi S, Lexi, S, Skye N and Wren M stayed on to help the staff clean it all up…a shout-out to the four of them for being SO CHIPPEWA!

Tonight’s office visitors included Hailey A and Destiny M. Those two gave us a good laugh telling us about the movie. They have become fast friends, and it was fun to hear their banter back and forth. Then we got visited by Sadie G, Katie M and Annie S. I got to learn about Sadie’s 3-D printing, Katie sang for us and we got to hear about Annie’s excitement crossing the wakes today. Now I am sitting in the office with Marni Schneider, Molly Levinson and Sydney Goldman. They are three members of the Realm Development Team, and have been very focused on Realm planning…I believe things are really shaping up for this multi-day Tan and White event. Sunday is Realm Eve so it’s coming quickly, but this year’s Dev Team has things under control.

That’s all I’ve got for today from #TheRanch2021. It was a great one and we are anticipating another amazing one tomorrow…and Sophie will be letting you know all about it! Goodnight, y’all!

Happy Camping and Love, Sari