Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

Today is Wednesday, July 14th and I cannot possibly believe how quickly this first session has flown by. But we are still living in the moment, not thinking about Friday quite yet, and having the times of our lives…even in a little bit of rain!

This morning, we had regular activities and they rocked. Jacklin R officially made it into the Gold Club in archery, Mia G got up and around on two skis, and Raleigh D crossed the wakes on two skis! And then at afternoon announcements, we learned that Mia G has caught the most fish this session…17 fish! Special recognition was also given to Lily Z who caught nine fish and Sophia G who caught eleven fishies! To end afternoon announcements, Izzy S was given the Selfless coin. Izzy is very deserving of this honor- she has demonstrated this trait all summer long, and we are both proud & appreciative of her!

The rain joined us for most of the afternoon and we did one of my favorite rainy day activities- Chippy Grammys! Cabins created music videos with insane costumes, great dance moves and overall very funny performances. We then all headed to the theater to see the collection of music videos and awards. The best song went to Wagon Ridge, the most creative went to Lakevew and the best music video award went to Rafter^X.

Following a delicious bbq dinner, we had a new and fun evening program. Campers played 21- a really cute skit game, they also got to eat sno-cones…always a fan favorite, and they played a new dodgeball game called four-quadrant dodgeball. Campers got super-into each of these activities…it was very fun to see! Stella G was a star on the dodgeball court tonight and the Rafter^X campers really shined on the stage!

And now, believe it or not, we are preparing for the final day of first session. It is slated to be an incredible day- we have the final Tan & White Game of the session (Egg Marathon), the final campfire led by the first session Lakeview campers, and First Session Banquet. It’s going to be fun and I cannot wait! I hope you all have a lovely evening, and I hope you will check back tomorrow for the final podcast of the session…there will be A LOT of first session guests :). Thanks for reading!

Happy Camping and Love,