Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

I hope you all had a wonderful day! It finally cooled off at #TheRanch2021 and I believe everybody is happy about that…even the rain was worth some relief from the heat! Here’s what happened today…

We had a morning full of regular activities and they were awesome. At fishing, Charlie I caught a BIG fish! And at skiing, Ivy R and Ivy S got up and around on two skis for the first time! At cooking, they made delicious pizzas. And at Pottery, Sari S has become very proficient at wheel throwing. Needless to say, lots of good things are happening around camp at activities!

After lunch, the rain really started to come down. Most campers waited in their cabins for an announcement about the rainy day program. But as I peered out the office window, I saw Lucy B and Sunny W at the playground. And down the hill, Annabelle K, Ellie C and Leni B were walking along just bumming around. Lucy called the younger three campers to the playground so that they could learn the dance that she and Sunny had made up. It was a perfectly camp- between the bricks- moment…it was SO CHIPPEWA!

And then we had one of the best rainy day programs ever- CRC x Shark Tank! Cabins were charged with creating a product to present to the Sharks (Leah, Smoss and Lizzy). They had to create a product, logo, poster, pitch and commercial. The presentations were adorable, impressive and very creative. Some of the pitches were the real deal- they were talking investment numbers, margins and market saturation. Others were a little bit sillier but each and every one of them were incredibly entertaining. After much debate, and taking into consideration the rankings from cabins (they got to rank the top three products), the Sharks decided to invest in Copper ≡ Stripes’ product…the Resist Fit! Their product was very innovative and their presentation was what really gave them the edge. Congrats, Copper ≡ Stripes!

Tonight’s evening program was GLOW (Glorious Ladies of Wrestling). There were a number of wrestling matches between staff who were representing different camp rivals. There was Egg Marathon vs Pony Express, Wall vs Ropes, Mail Mistresses vs Package Princesses, Canteen vs Snack and more. Cabins made predictions about who they thought would win each match-up and cheered for their counselors! Some of the match-ups were very intense, and we didn’t know who was going to come out victorious, but some were blow-outs. The campers were very entertained and spirited as they watched the staff battle. It was a fun night for all! That was our day here at CRC- the rain didn’t stop us from enjoying being together and doing camp. We are looking forward to another amazing day tomorrow but until then, I hope you all have a lovely night!

Happy Camping and Love,