Dear Chippies, Parents, Family, and Friends,

Today was another incredible day in Chippyland and I am so excited to be guest writing The Sari Diaries tonight. Our second full day of the second session had so many activities and games, and was just full of pure happiness. I really got to watch the Chippy magic come to life today with new and returning campers alike. Let me tell you about it!

We started off the day with very exciting morning announcements: a special birthday edition of The Seven Wonders quiz! Today we celebrated Josh’s birthday, one of our amazing male staff. Campers ran to Tom’s Office where Cliff does the morning announcements every day to say, “happy birthday” on the loudspeaker for the entire camp. Then Cliff quizzed the campers with birthday themed questions. After that, it was time for breakfast where the campers enjoyed pancakes and talked about how excited they were for the day to come. After our first graded cabin cleanup of the summer, campers started their rotations for the day. Cabins traveled across camp together and experienced the Chippewa waterfront where they went tubing and had free swim. Today was the first time they got to go down the water slide and jump on the blob (the super fun water trampoline). They also participated in lots of land activities including the ninja warrior course and trampball. One thing today that my Silversuprs campers were extremely excited about was signing up for activities for the next two weeks. Tomorrow they get to have their first day of regular activities and my campers could not wait to show me the schedules that they created during sign-ups.

Then we had a break in the day for lunch and rest hour. For lunch, the kitchen cooked up the fan favorite of cheese quesadillas and chips. After lunch we had the first “afternoon announcements’’ of the session where we received cabin cleanup scores (the cabin of Wagon Ridge had the highest score so far with a 96/100), sang Sari’s song, and heard a very important message from our mail mistresses: today was LETTER WRITING DAY! That means you can expect a letter very soon because on letter writing day every single camper writes a letter home. One of my favorite moments from announcements was when Cliff informed the camp that today was “Tutu Tuesday” (rocking his own bright red tutu of course). After announcements ended, we had a relaxing rest hour before jumping right into more afternoon rotations. One of the best parts was watching Coral S, Yael S, and tons of their friends jump on the blob for the first time and seeing the huge smiles on their faces.

Finally, we ate dinner and got ready for the evening activity. Tonight was Halloween Night! Campers went Trick-Or-Treating around camp, through a haunted house, listened to scary stories, and some even went on a “haunted hayride.” I walked around with my campers decked out in animal costumes and watched them complete challenges to receive their candy. My favorite challenge to get their candy was where the campers had to say something that they loved about themselves. Overall, the campers had a great time dressing up and experiencing Halloween in July.

That’s it for today at CRC! It was an exciting and fun-filled day for every single camper, old and new. They had such a good time trying out activities for the first time, signing up for the ones they will do for the next two weeks, and at the evening activity. One of the greatest things about camp is looking around seeing all the campers smiling, and there was definitely no lack of smiles today. I’m looking forward to the next four weeks in Chippyland and thanks for reading!

Happy Camping and Love,

Thank you, thank you to Grace Friedman for writing this amazing blog post. She perfectly captured the day, and the excitement that occured at #TheRanch2021. Grace, you are SO CHIPPEWA, and I truly appreciate you taking the time to write tonight’s edition of TSD!