Dearest Chippies,

Soph Aloaf here, comin’ atcha live from the Office at the Top of the Hill. I know what you’re thinking… It’s not Thursday. How could I possibly be so lucky to read an update from Soph Aloaf two days early? While I will always prefer my Thursday night guest slot, it’s fun to recap what goes on around here on other days of the week as well. Not a good reason, I know. But I do have a good update, so hopefully that makes up for it a little bit.

Today was another great day here at CRC. I was able to spend more time than usual out and about around camp, and I witnessed a looooot of awesome things going on. The best part of my day was driving a ski boat during 4th period. Teddy S got around the lake on two skis for the first time and Mia B lifted for 10 seconds. It was amazing to watch both girls accomplish goals that they have been working toward all session. Smoss and I were also able to take Sabrina M, Lily Z and Avery K tubing. The smiles on their faces were priceless, and it reminded me of how much joy comes from the little things around here. To top it all off, I watched lots of campers go down the slide at swimming AND got a tutorial from Rafter^X campers about how to make cloud slime in arts & crafts. Overall, it was a fantastic, fun-filled day.

Tonight, the camp tested their knowledge in a game of Chippewa Jeopardy. Age groups competed against each other in a spirited match-up, and the display of teamwork and CRC expertise was impressive. The tri-cabin edged out Copper Stripes and Timber Walk in a buzzer-beater tiebreaker when they were able to name six Ten Year Girls. And to top it all off, the night ended the way all good nights end… with a CHIPPY DANCE PARTY! I’ve said it before, and I’ll definitely say it again: this. place. ROCKS!

And now, as I sit here watching Horseshoe walk blindfolded through the office, laughing uncontrollably, I’m having a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that we are already in the final week of first session. The saying goes that time flies when you’re having fun—and while I definitely do not want to wish any of that fun away, I do wish that I could slow time. My goal for the coming week is to notice all the effortless joy going on around me. The in-between-period playground hangs and walks back to the cabin and laughs coming from the Ice Cube. There is certainly no shortage of enthusiasm for camp this year, and there is still plenty of summer left—but it never hurts to acknowledge how good you’ve got it while you still have it.

And so… from this corner of paradise I say goodnight. Sari will be back tomorrow with details of what is sure to be another incredible day. Thanks for reading and talk to you next week!

Soph Aloaf