Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

Thanks for checking back into The Sari Diaries to read about our awesome day at #TheRanch2021. It was jam-packed full of fun and we loved every second of it! Here are the details…

Activities today were incredible. The weather is finally at a happy medium…not too hot, not too cold…just warm enough to want to go in the lake but not NEED to go in the lake. At archery, there is an intense competition going on between Chandler S and Chloe C to hit the most gold’s throughout the summer. At the moment, Chandler has hit 200 golds and Chloe has hit 250 golds. I will definitely keep you posted in the coming weeks as to where things stand. While those two were busy at the archery range, Maddy K lifted a ski for ten seconds and Emmie D crossed the wakes on two skis! Way to go both of you!

After lunch we all headed to the North Field for our 2021 all camp photo! I must say that we looked pretty cute all together. At the end though, it got extra cute…the photographer took a little bit of video footage that will definitely make the reunion video. Honestly, it was SO CHIPPEWA and I am excited for you all to see it during reunion season!

From the North Field, we headed to the Center Fire Circle for what we thought were typical afternoon announcements. What transpired though was crazy…Chef Tay took the podium to announce that Copper ≡ Stripes counselor, Casey Cushing, had stolen a birthday cake from the kitchen. The next thing we knew, the entire kitchen staff was throwing Casey in the lake as the whole camp cheered. And then, naturally, as happens whenever anybody gets thrown in the lake, the entire camp began chanting, “Cliff in the lake!” Sure enough, as Cliff got thrown in the lake, the chant turned into “All Camp Cathy’s!” At first, Cliff declined…no Cathy’s for the camp. But then, after he got thrown in a second time, he made a deal…he would duel with Chef Tay and if Chef Tay got Cliff in the lake a THIRD time, the camp would win Cathy’s. The duel didn’t last long…Chef Tay lifted Cliff up and put him right in the lake. The camp was elated…the first all camp Cathy’s of the summer is pretty exciting!

Following afternoon activities and dinner, the whole Casey vs Chef Tay situation became clearer. Sarah Newman and Eliza Mann went to each table in a panic (and dressed like detectives), and rushed everybody to the Center Fire Circle. Upon arrival, the camp learned of a tragic mystery that had occured…Casey had gone missing…dun, dun, dun. Campers were responsible for figuring out who had committed the “murder.” They had a chance to interview all of the suspects and learn about where they were when the crime was happening. In the end, they learned that Emily Connell had it out for Casey because she was jealous that her brother, Zack, and Casey had been bonding over their work on the climbing wall. Once the mystery was solved, the “police car” took Emily away!
Just to be clear, this was all fiction…just a cute program that the campers loved.

As if there wasn’t enough excitement today, we had a late night Tan & White game- Stalk the Lantern. Campers dressed in all black as the staff created a bullseye in chairs on the South Field. Campers tried to get to the center of the bullseye by slithering, running and crawling across the field. It was a blast to be in the center, and at times, a bit scary :). Reese S got the first 100 (which means she got to the center) but there were plenty of others including Audry L, Avery R, Julia M and Lilah K. It was a very close game but in the end, the Whites won.

That was the day at CRC! While all of the action was fun, I have to say that my favorite part was at the end of the night when the entire camp looked up at the stars at the end of Stalk the Lantern. The sky was beautiful, the stars were incredibly bright and we all took a moment to appreciate the space we are in. Now we are all exhausted and ready for bed, so until tomorrow’s podcast, I wish you all well!

Happy Camping and Love,