Dearest Chippies,

It has been a whirlwind week here at #TheRanch2021. So much has happened since I last wrote to you all. As you may know, some campers left, some campers came… and while it was sad to see the first sessioners go, the start of second session brought a fresh burst of excitement and energy. I won’t call it much needed, but I will call it well-received. For me, at least, the reset has been a reminder that our time at camp is finite, and that we must cherish the weeks and moments that remain in the summer of 2021. I won’t speak for everyone, but my impression is that many others feel the same way. Camp has been extra spirited this past week!

Today was the first B Day of the session, and campers old and new wasted no time picking up where they left off. Clementine B shot a GOLD in her first ever archery period and Sydney B went down the True Blue after her first time up on the Ropes Course. Down at the ski docks, campers were passing levels left and right. Jacklin R got up on two skis for 10 seconds, Hannah R and Annie M crossed the wakes on one ski, and Annabelle K crossed the wakes on two skis! Overall, it was a great day. Lots of smiling faces around CRC. Nothing to complain about in this slice of paradise!

We ended the day with a new Evening Program—Angry Birds. Program Director Extraordinaire Leah Berns created a program that resembled everyone’s favorite video game. Cabins traveled around camp, using water balloons to knock down various towers- a challenge that required strategy, teamwork and focus. Congrats to Silverspurs on your success. You are the angriest birds at CRC!

And with that, I bid you all goodnight. We are sleeping well over here after another fun-filled day. Tomorrow is going to be hot and sunny, and I have no doubt that it will be a day full of smiles, laughs and good times… lucky for us, that is the norm :).

As always, thanks for reading. Talk to ya next week!

Soph Aloaf