Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

Good evening from #TheRanch2021. We have had another beautiful day on Dam Lake and I am happy to be reporting to all of you from the Office at the Top of the Hill. There is much to report so I will get right to it…

This morning was delightful! After a delicious breakfast and a very spectacular cabin clean-up (another shout-out to Wagon Ridge for getting 100!), we had first and second period B-Day activities. Down at skiing, Lily A lifted a ski for ten seconds and Stella S & Jessie H got up and around the lake on two skis! Over at the wall, Sadie M got up both the hard and easy walls blindfolded!!

Then, before lunch, we all gathered at the Center Fire Circle for a long overdue Coin Ceremony. Cliff reminded the camp what our Coin Ceremonies are all about, and that while those who receive coins are certainly deserving, every single person within the Chippewa community displays characteristics that the coins represent each and every day. Today’s coin recipients included Sadie G for Loyalty, Juju W for Humility, Stella G for Enthusiasm, Lindsay F for Determination, Bella Adler for Leadership, Anabelle L for Empathy and Inslee S for cooperation. This group of Chippies has exemplified these traits all summer long and we were very proud to honor them this afternoon.

After an afternoon filled with activities, and a delectable BBQ dinner, we had Tan & White Skit Night! Skit Night is always a fan favorite. The Braves from each team created a commercial, the Hunters from each team created a cheer, Warriors from each team created created a song and the Chiefs from each team created hilarious skits. When I say hilarious, I mean hilarious…I think we have some legit creative geniuses on our hands. The cheering happening for both teams all night long was amazing…the spirit around here is incredibly high, especially surrounding Tan & White…it felt SO CHIPPEWA to be sitting among hundreds of cheering and happy Chippies! While I wouldn’t have been able to say which team ruled the stage tonight, the Neutrals declared the White Team the winners. Congratulations to both teams!

That’s about all from CRC today. I currently have five first year SCs in my office…they are on their day off, but their current activity is entertaining me, which I greatly appreciate :). Thanks for reading tonight- talk to y’all soon!

Happy Camping and Love,