Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,
Today was Camper-Counselor Day and it was sooooooo much fun! Below you will read an entry from Lauren G who I had the privilege of acting as today…and she was me! I must say that I was super-impressed with Lauren- she got a lot of work done (she is very efficient), she was fun with the younger campers around camp, and she did an incredible job at afternoon announcements (both with the P-Dance and the announcements). Not surprisingly, Lauren was SO CHIPPEWA all day long and it was a blast to hang out with her, and watch her do her (or my) thing! Okay, that’s all from me for now…enjoy tonight’s TSD and have a great evening!
Happy Camping and Love,
Lauren G (The Real Sari Hirsch)

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family, and Friends,

Camper Counselor Switch Day is off to a great start! At breakfast today Colt Village was ecstatic to find older campers sitting with them impersonating their counselors for the day. The staff was even more excited to take on new roles in activities as their respective camper!

An especially funny duo, Chloe C and Uncle Ed, were zooming around camp in the Gator fixing broken necessities. They fixed Lakeview’s fan, which I personally appreciate! In addition, Ashley R and Jen the baker were hard at work making yummy desserts for everyone. The recipe for Jen’s famous s’mores bars is being passed down, but the secret ingredient is safe with Ashley R.

Other campers are “chillin” in the staff retreat watching movies and sipping on soda. What a great way to start our morning! Tonight is Big and Little Sister Night. The campers will return to their normal selves to hang out with their little sisters while trying to win Cathy’s.

But before dessert, comes…… Lunch (and dinner). For lunch it was a picnic, but because of a special tradition it had to be family style. This special tradition happens every year when Cliff clears his whole table and drops everything! It’s hilarious! He was Naomi G, and even wore a wig!

Now onto the afternoon. Third period was in full swing! Many counselors went swimming in Dam Lake and even splashed on the splashmat. Shoutout to the kitchen staff for playing on the blob and enjoying this special day. Not only that, other camper-counselor duos played on the blob like Talia C and Sari S. Another great duo was Ava L and Brooke A. Ava L taught little campers how to use the wheel and create majestic creatures. Traveling back to the waterfront, Danielle K as Anna S helped Anna V and Ruthie L ski! She is the best!

That was our day at #TheRanch2021! A big congratulations to Leah C, Cate M and Avery F on winning Big and Little Sister Night. The whole night was a ton of fun, and even though we didn’t win, I loved hanging with my little sister. Goodnight, Chippies!

Happy Camping and Love,
Sari (The Real Lauren G)