Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

Ten Year is one of my favorite days of every summer, and this year’s was no exception. Today we had the privilege of honoring twelve amazing staff members who have been at CRC since the summer of 2011. These twelve staff members are incredible representations of who we hope our campers will grow into. We often talk about camp being a journey- while there is growth along the way, we are looking at the whole experience…from eight or nine year-old camper through long time staff member. Who our campers become, is of the utmost importance to us as camp directors. Of course, we want each camper at Chippewa to have fun, learn new skills and create memories with her friends every summer she is at camp. But we also recognize that every day, and sometimes even every summer, may not be each camper’s favorite. There will be struggles along the way, there will be failures and there will be tears. The good news is that those difficult times never overshadow the good, the happy or the love we all feel. It is the culmination of all of this- the positives and the challenges that create a camp experience…that mold a Chippewa girl. And today was a reminder of just that- that a Chippewa career is so much more than one day or one summer; it is the sum of all of it.

This morning the entire camp sang “We love you Ten Year Girls” as our twelve Ten Year Girls walked into the lodge for breakfast. Their age groups read poems to begin breakfast, lunch & dinner, and we fed them their favorite Northwoods meals all day long. Throughout the day, the Ten Year Girls got to relive their time as campers- they waterskied, rode horses, sailed, climbed the wall, went on the high ropes course and giggled with their friends. Emily Connell got up on one ski for the first time and Ava Schenk went down the TruBlue! During rest hour, they were serenaded by their campers at the Center Fire Circle, and then got to see the amazing cakes that Jen the Baker made for them. And then, after dinner, we all headed to the theater for their official Ten Year Ceremony. Each of their age groups got on stage and read them poems that made them feel loved, walked them down memory lane and maybe roasted them just a little bit. They were showered with gifts, shown videos in their honor, and those who have siblings at camp heard from them as well. The evening ended with Cliff, Lisa and myself presenting each Ten Year Girl with a Compass Coin. We had a chance to speak about each of them individually, to share a couple of memories and to let the entire camp know just how special they are to this community. And I cannot overstate it- these twelve girls, with 120 collective years of Chippewa under their belts, are the heart and soul of this camp. As individuals, they are truly outstanding, and as a group, they are exactly what every camp director wishes for- they demonstrate compassion, they show strength, they illustrate work ethic, they exhibit gratitude, they display confidence, and they provide our campers & staff with role models we can all strive to be.

So I hope on this day, the Ten Year Girls of 2021, felt the love. That they understand how truly grateful we are to have them at camp summer after summer. And I hope that they know that they are the definition of SO CHIPPEWA. They make us proud to do what we do, and to have them not only at camp each summer, but also to have them out in the world representing us for the other ten months of each year. Ava, Dylan, Emily, Rachel, Sara, Dani, Molly, Rebecca, Sarah, Viner, Halle and Noa, thank you for your service, and your friendship too…and for real, here’s to ten more!

Happy Camping and Love,