Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

Today was another lovely day at #TheRanch2021. The weather wasn’t exactly lovely but we made it work! There was a lot of excitement beginning in the morning for the evening program- Big & Little Sis Night…there was lots of chatter coming from big sisters and little sisters alike beginning right at breakfast. But before we get to the big and little sister cuteness, I will tell you about everything that led up to Big & Little Sis Night.

It was a tad bit rainy this morning but we were still able to run mainly normal activities. At skiing, Lucy W and Emmie D got up and around on two skis, Emery S crossed the wakes on one ski, and Jill M crossed the wakes on two skis! At painting, campers painted awesome scenes of the waterfront. It was very cool to see a whole group of campers sitting on the hill looking out at the water and painting what they saw. This is different than painting classes we have done in the past and the campers loved it! Today was Slime Day at arts & crafts, so campers are currently running around camp with all different colored slime. As I saw Juliet G and Inslee S walking away from the arts & crafts building, they were giggling away…not quite sure about what but I was thrilled to see these two new campers happy as could be, and walking around camp as if this had been their home away from home for years. And before dinner, I had the opportunity to pass by a number of C-C campers who were having a dance competition. I didn’t get the chance to see the results but there were multiple categories (including lyrical), and they had assigned two judges. It looked fun, it looked silly, and it was SO CHIPPEWA!

Dinner is when the real big and little sister amazingness began. We had a big and little sister BBQ, which allowed big and little sisters to eat together, get to know each other and prepare for the big night! After dinner, everyone went back to their cabins to get dressed for the evening…there were big and little sister duos dressed up in all sorts of costumes…Elmo & Cookie Monster, Cliff & Lisa, Oreos, Peanut Butter & Jelly and many other creative twosomes. And as everyone gathered at the Center Fire Circle, the energy was amazing! As I walked down, I overheard Katie M and Amari S quizzing each other about some very important facts. “What’s my birthday?” “What’s my shoe size?” And other random questions that just might have been asked at the end of the night.

Throughout the night, big and little sisters traveled to different stations competing with other big and little sisters in a number of fun activities- there was handshake making, ice cream eating, and trampball competitions. The program ended in the theater with a game-show-like event that involved the winningest big and little sister pairs. Up on stage, they were tested on their knowledge of their camp sisters to see who knew each other best. In the end Hannah R and Lucy B won Big & LIttle Sister Night, but the truth is, I am confident that every single big and little sister had a winning night of fun!

A big shout-out and thank you to the CITs, as they planned the entire evening. They have been working hard on pairing big and little sisters and getting ready for tonight’s program…all while being incredible counselors to their campers. They have been super-impressive this summer and we appreciate their dedication and commitment to the big and little sister program as well as to the summer of 2021 at CRC.

That is about all for today…despite a little bit of precipitation, we had a blast! Thanks for reading- have a good one!

Happy Camping and Love,