Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

We have had a real good day at #TheRanch2021! From wake-up through bed-time, it was action packed! It all began at 8am with the first official wake-up of the summer. Cliff played “Nina Pretty Ballerina” and hit the high notes in an impressive fashion. Then there was a very exciting birthday wake-up for Annie S…she got showered over the loud-speaker with “Happy Birthdays” and “I Love Yous,” and then there was a rousing rendition of “Happy Birthday” sung to her. Needless to say, it was a great way to wake-up at CRC for the first time in 2021.

Throughout the day we had activity rotations- campers got to visit the stables, play some tennis, jump on the trampolines, and climb the wall. A big shoutout to Chloe C who was the first camper to climb the wall using the True Blue Autobelay…way to go, Chloe! A highlight for me was watching the A-Frame teather ball tournament. Léa W and Maddyn C were champs but I must say that this is a cabin filled with highly skilled teather ball players!

After an amazing lunch, I was approached by Silverspurs- they really wanted me to come check out their cabin because they were very proud of their excellent work during cabin clean-up. I had to knock to walk in (still not exactly sure why seeing as though they were walking in with me…but I obliged). When I walked in, I was amazed with their progress. When I was in there yesterday, there were duffels everywhere and it was a bit of a mess. But today, it was clean, organized and welcoming. They informed me that they are aiming to be Honor Cabin this session, and I think they have a good shot at it! Silverspurs campers and counselors- if you ever read this issue of the Sari Diaries, congratulations on your impressive work!

By the afternoon, the sun was out and we had campers begging to go in the lake. You know there are awesome campers around here when they are even happy to go in just to do their swim tests. The smiles and laughter as they jumped in and enjoyed their first swim in Dam Lake was amazing- it was SO CHIPPEWA, and this was just for their swim tests…imagine when they get out on the blob and go down the slide!

Also included in today’s rotations was a lesson on how to make the perfect S’moreo over the campfire. This was obviously a fan favorite…some of our campers have never tried a S’moreo and others were elated to once again taste this delicious treat. I got a report from Eliza Mann that there was a certain new camper…Lucy B…who enjoyed this treat and the messiness that it brought. In Eliza’s words, “She had more marshmallow than face.” It was a very cute scene around the campfire all day long!

Tonight’s evening program was the opening of Tan and White…and it was wonderful! It began with an introduction from the 2021 T&W Neutrals (Marni Schneider, Rebecca Viner and Ellie Wise). They then called the new campers for the big reveal! Each camper received a balloon that they got to pop. Once popped white or red confetti shot out of the balloon to indicate which team they were on. The entire camp was looking on and cheering loudly to welcome them to their respective teams. Once the teams were known, the Tans headed to the South Field and the Whites to the North to learn their slogans, some cheers & songs, and to vote for their sachems (captains). To end the night, we all returned to the Center Fire Circle to learn about the history of Tan & White, and to watch an amazingly funny and informative skit put on by the first year SCs about Scarlett Snow. A big congratulations to Lucy B, Brooke R, Zoe G, Laney K, Georgia S, Maddie K, Lila K, Summer W, Lexie G and Samantha G on being elected sachems. We are very excited for Tan & White this summer, and are looking forward to seeing these leaders help to create a summer of great competition, spirit and sportsmanship!

I think that’s all for tonight…there were plenty of other moments throughout today that I would love to share but at some point, this blog gets too long…and I think we are just about there tonight :). Thanks for reading- have a great evening and check back tomorrow!

Happy Camping and Love,