Dearest Chippies,

WOW am I happy to be back here, writing to all of you from the Office at the Top of the Hill. I haven’t been this happy on a Thursday since August of 2019—the last time I had the great honor of recapping the details of a CRC day. I know that Sari has already made clear just how incredible it feels to be back at camp with the people who make this place all that it is… but I would be remiss not to re-state those sentiments myself. It may only be day 4 of #TheRanch2021, but I already feel great confidence in saying that this summer will be the most memorable in CRC history. Everyone is operating with renewed gratitude to be spending our summer here. No opportunity is being taken for granted, and there is a collective sense of appreciation and pride to be a part of this community. Today was, unsurprisingly, a day filled with moments that exemplify this. Let me tell you about a few of them…

It was a big day here at CRC… the first day of REGULAR ACTIVITIES! The rainstorm cleared just in time for the start of 1st period (there’s a metaphor if I’ve ever heard one…) and it was a B Day like no other. Camper achievements were off to a strong start, with Ellie C climing to the top of the easy AND hard climbing walls, Blake R catching a fish and Emery S getting up and around the lake on one ski—just to name a few. There was also an intense game of soccer during Landsports, where the French Fries scored in the final minute to tie the Sour Patch Kids 3-3. During rest hour, I had the opportunity to take some Lakeview campers tubing. It was a blast to spend time with them out on the lake, and their laughter and chatter kept me entertained for an hour straight. It is already clear that, in just a few short days, Lakeview has come to appreciate their role in helping younger campers discover the magic of CRC. They project a contagious energy, and I cannot wait to watch them continue this leadership throughout the summer!

After an amazing day (and canteen!), we concluded the excitement with Cabin Night. Cabin groups retreated to their respective cabins to have a lowkey night of games, Lip Sync prep and bonding. It was a great way to wind down a fantastic day!

And now, I sit here in the Office thinking about how lucky I am to be here. In summers past, The Sari Diaries has helped bring fresh perspective to my week; it has acted as both a reminder and an excuse to seek out the exciting moments (and the more subtle ones) that speak to the enthusiasm, love, friendship and kindness that defines the CRC community. Such moments are happening constantly here at 8258 County O but can easily go unnoticed from my perch in the office. But as I sit here writing tonight, it is evident that the way I experience camp has shifted since 2019. As of today, at least, I no longer need the reminder or the excuse to notice the greatness around me. I hope that this feeling lasts for a long time. I have a strong suspicion that it will.

Thanks for reading. Talk to you all next week!

Soph Aloaf