Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

Week one is officially complete at #TheRanch2021 and what a week it was! Today was amazing. It was action-packed and it’s hard to believe we got everything in, but we did and it rocked. Here are the details…

It all began with Sunday morning breakfast- Lisa’s pancakes, Ruth’s special pancake, Cliff’s omelets and my scrambles fed the entire camp (over the course of a couple hours). I had the opportunity to try one of Lisa’s famous funfetti pancakes and it was delicious- I now understand why everybody loves them so much!

After breakfast, we had “Town Day.” Leah Berns, one of the program directors, has been working incredibly hard to bring the town of Minocqua to CRC. Campers got to visit the Chippewa version of Monkey Business, Imaginuity, Dan’s Minocqua Fudge and Toyland. And they also ordered & ate pizza, sushi and other delicious food that is typically eaten on Town Day. Campers had a blast- they learned to budget their money, enjoyed some “real world” food, and bought some pretty cool stuff (including fidgets, squishies, clothes and more).

And then there was Lip Sync, which absolutely lived up to all of the hype. No joke, the performances were incredible. There were some costumes that blew my mind and there were two types of talent that I loved to see…the first was the actual talent, which was amazing- I mean we have some campers who can really dance. And the second was the confidence demonstrated on that North Field stage. Regardless of their age and years at camp,campers went ALL OUT. And to end it all, Lakeview got up on stage and wow’d us. So much so that an encore was requested and the encore was arguably even better than the original. In the end though, Blackfoot & Bowed Legs won first session Lip Sync, and earned themselves Cathy’s! Naturally, there was an all-camp dance party to put an exclamation point on the program. The dance party was fun and it was cute. And it was SO CHIPPEWA :).

We had pizza for dinner, and if you can believe it, we ALSO had the very first Tan & White game- Barnyard Bedlam. Campers dressed in crazy costumes and sang country songs while their sachems collected erasers around the South Field. It was a fun evening filled with a ton of spirit, and some pretty cute pictures too (stay tuned for those to be posted tomorrow). In the end, the Tans won tonight, but both teams worked hard, worked together and had fun!

So that was our very action packed day, and we loved it! Thanks for reading and have a great night!

Happy Camping and Love,