Our March Staff Spotlight features Sophie Friedland! Sophie is charismatic, funny, thoughtful and kind. She is the type of person who will offer to help with any project, activity, program role or task. Sophie is an amazing human and counselor, and she brings so much to our staff team each summer. Sophie is going to be this year’s CIT Director, and we know she will continue to be an incredible model of what it means to be a great counselor at CRC. Thanks for all you bring to camp, Sophie! Read below to learn more about Sophie’s life at camp and in the off-season.

1. How many summers have you been at camp?
This year will be my 11th summer!

2. What cabin were you in during the summer of 2019?
I was in Lakeview in 2019.

3. What is your favorite part about being a counselor at CRC?
I love getting to hang out with my campers and co-counselors! No matter how long I’ve known each set of campers I’ve had, they always surprise me in the best way possible and make me laugh every day.

4. What was your favorite memory from the summer of 2019?
My favorite memory from 2019 was celebrating my 10 Year! My cheeks hurt at the end of the day from smiling so much, and it was incredible to spend the day doing the activities I loved so much as a camper. My sister also surprised me with the sweetest video of people from my entire camp career and it felt really full-circle to reflect on all of the wonderful people I’ve connected with because of camp.

5. What is your favorite camp memory of all time?
One of my favorite camp memories is when my cabin was on our canoe camping trip and my friend’s canoe got stuck on a rock. I tried to reach her hand to pull her canoe off of the rock when I paddled by, but the current was too strong and I missed. She then had to get out of her canoe (it was pretty shallow water– she could stand) to push it off of the rock. When she pushed it off, it floated away from her and she fell into the water. She was soaked! She eventually got her canoe back, but we still laugh about that day every time we think about it.

6. How do you stay in touch with your camp friends during the year?
My camp friends and I FaceTime almost daily to stay in touch throughout the year! We also text and Snapchat each other, and we always try to get together when we’re all home.

7. How did you stay connected to CRC during the summer of 2020?
I spent the summer of 2020 working at Chippewa Cabin Rentals! It was so awesome to see people from the camp community throughout the summer, even if it wasn’t the typical camp we are all used to. It was especially fun having different eras of Chippies at camp who, without Cabin Rentals, I probably wouldn’t have gotten to know!

8. What are you most excited about for the summer of 2021?
I am so excited to see some of my old campers become counselors! I know they will be incredible and their campers are so lucky. I’m also excited to get to spend every day outdoors with some of my favorite people in the world!

9. What do you do when you are not at camp?
When I’m not at camp, I love to go on hikes and to the beach. I’m also involved in my college’s Leadership Council, I volunteer at a little community farm in my neighborfood, and I walk/sit for dogs through the Wag! app.

10. Anything else you want to share with your Chippy family?
I can’t wait for what will be the best summer yet!