Our December Staff Spotlight features Samantha Graines! Samantha is an integral part of our CRC staff team. As a CIT in 2021, Samantha demonstrated leadership, enthusiasm and care for her campers, sisters, friends and the CRC community at-large. Sam’s love of Chippewa runs deep, and we and cannot wait to see all the fun and joy that she continues to spread around camp for many summers to come. You rock, Sam! Read below to learn a bit more about Samantha’s camp experiences and life in the off-season.

1. How many summers have you been at camp?
2022 will be my ninth summer at camp!

2. What cabin were you in during the summer of 2021?
During the summer of 2021, I was in the cabin of C-C.

3. What is your favorite part about being a counselor at CRC?
My favorite part of being a counselor at CRC is developing relationships with my campers, like my counselors developed with me, and hanging out with my age group.

4. What was your favorite memory from the summer of 2021?
My favorite memory from the summer of 2021 was either dancing with my campers in the rain or leading Tan and White.

5. What is your favorite camp memory of all time?
It is hard to pick just one, but I always have so much fun sailing with my friends, from talking to pushing each other in the lake.

6. How do you stay in touch with your camp friends during the year?
During the year, my camp friends and I text, Snapchat, and try to see each other as much as possible.

7. What are you most looking forward to in the summer of 2022?
I am most looking forward to being back at the place I love most with the people I love most. I am so excited to spend time with my campers and age group, and make lasting memories.

8. What do you do when you are not at camp?
When I am not at camp, I play on my school’s field hockey, basketball, and softball teams. I am also involved in Student Government, my school’s newspaper, and Model UN.

9. Anything else you want to share with your Chippy family?
I am counting down the seconds until the summer of 2022. Every year at camp somehow manages to top the one before it, so I cannot wait to see what this summer has in store.