Our August Staff Spotlight features Sydney Feldman. Sydney is an all-around awesome person, staff member and counselor. She is funny, compassionate, thoughtful and committed to helping campers and staff alike get the most out of their time at CRC. Sydney is the kind of person who makes you smile just from being in her presence. Her love of camp is evident in all that she does, and we are incredibly lucky to have her as a meber of the Chippewa community. You’re the best, Sydney! Thanks for all you do for camp. Read below to learn all about Sydney’s life both at camp and in the off-season.

1. How many summers have you been at camp?
I have been at camp for 8 summers. My first year was 2012!

2. What cabin were you in during the summer of 2019?
During the summer of 2019, I was in the cabin A-Frame.

3. What is your favorite part about being a counselor at CRC?
My favorite part about being a counselor at CRC is watching my campers (and every camper) take part in the same life-changing experiences that I did at camp. I love seeing the girls create friendships and memories, make mistakes and learn from them, come to me for help and eventually realize that they can achieve almost anything all on their own. I also love the gorgeous signs that my campers create for me… they make the wall above my bed look great!

4. What was your favorite memory from the summer of 2019?
My favorite memory from the summer of 2019 is Kahuna Day. I was the advisor for the team Candyland and had been decked out in pink and white all day (including stripes painted across my face). The whole day was filled with teamwork, sportsmanship, cheering, and so many fun games and sports. At the end of the day, Candyland placed 1st and I was so proud of my captains and team. And the Cathy’s tasted amazing :).

5. What is your favorite camp memory of all time?
My favorite camp memory of all time is a crazy sailing story. It was my Lakeview summer, and I was on a sailboat with my friends Ellie and Marni. It was an unusually windy day, but we insisted on sailing. All of the sudden, a huge gust of wind assisted by a giant wave spins our sail to the other side, and we all hold on as the boat starts to tip. Before we know it, the boat is turtled and I emerge from the waves holding half of the broken wooden tiller screaming “I have the tiller!!” We eventually flipped the boat back over and I was faced with the task of sailing back to camp with a 2 inch tiller, the larger broken half in my other hand. I’ll never know why I didn’t just let go of the tiller as the boat started to tip, but I do know that it makes a great story!

6. How do you stay in touch with your camp friends during the year?
During the year, I stay in touch with my camp friends by texting each other basically non-stop, keeping everyone up to date on our lives during the school year. We also try to meet up in person as much as possible, laughing about camp memories and counting the days until we get to go back. For the long distance people who I sadly don’t get to see in person as often, a FaceTime call every once in a while always puts a smile on my face.

7. How are you staying connected to CRC this summer?
This summer, I have stayed in touch with my camp friends and the Chippewa community by participating in the fun activities that have been planned to keep campers and staff engaged and connected. My camp friends and I have stayed busy by talking about our excitement for summer 2021. I have also set different Cliff-like songs for my alarm in the morning to mimic his famous morning wake-ups.

8. What do you do when you are not at camp?
When I’m not at camp, I enjoy participating in theatre, doing yoga, spending time with my family and friends, and playing with my dog, Auggie. I also love sitting down with a good book, or watching an action-filled TV show or movie.

9. Anything else you want to share with your Chippy family?
Chippewa is and always will be my favorite place on the planet. I am so lucky to be a part of such a loving, caring, and thoughtful community. Thank you to everything and everyone who makes this family what it is and keeps bringing incredible summers year after year. Summer 2021 is fast approaching and I can’t wait. A Chippewa girl is definitely hard to beat, and I will be a Chippy forever!