Our July Staff Spotlight features Talia Solomon. Talia is a longtime Chippy who has grown into an incredible counselor. She is someone who will go the extra mile to make sure those around her- especially her campers- are getting the most out of their camp experience. Talia’s love for camp shines through in everything she does. She is kind, dedicated and supportive, and we are so lucky to have her as a part of the CRC community. Thanks for all you bring to camp, Talia! Read below to learn all about Talia’s’s life both at camp and in the off-season.

1. How many summers have you been at camp?
I have been at camp for 8 summers.

2. What cabin were you in during the summer of 2019?

3. What is your favorite part about being a counselor at CRC?
My favorite part about being a counselor is being able to give my campers the same amazing experiences I had as a camper. I also love watching them make new friendships as they fall in love with Chippewa!

4. What was your favorite memory from the summer of 2019?
My favorite memory from summer 2019 was when my campers won Lip Sync second session. They had worked really hard and we were all so excited!

5. What is your favorite camp memory of all time?
My favorite camp memory of all time is 4th of July 2018, my Lakeview summer. It was amazing to see all of our hard work come together, and the entire day was so fun and unforgettable!

6. How do you stay in touch with your camp friends during the year?
During the year, my age group and I stay connected by constantly texting each other, Snapchatting, hanging out, and Zooming or FaceTiming.

7. How are you staying connected to CRC this summer?
My camp friends and I plan to hang out a lot this summer and have already had a few bonfires! Also, this summer my cos and I are running a mini-camp for some of our campers from last summer. We get to spend a lot of time with each other and enjoy some Chippewa spirit from home!

8. What do you do when you are not at camp?
During the year, I dance competitively at Off The Ground Dance Studio and am a part of the Dance Company at Deerfield High School! I also play field hockey for Windy City and for the team at my school. This year I also participated in a program called Dr. Rubin’s Mini Medical School.

9. Anything else you want to share with your Chippy family?
Summer 2021 is going to be the best yet!!!