Our May Staff Spotlight features Kylie Cutler. Kylie has grown up at camp, spending several summers as a camper and transitioning into an committed and caring staff member. Kylie is a present and engaged counselor, loved by all of her campers. She puts 110% into everything she does, and her enthusiasm for all things Chippewa is contagious. Her dedication to helping her campers get the most out of her camp experience does not go unnoticed, and we can’t wait to see the impact she continues to make in summers to come! Read below to learn all about Kylie’s life both at camp and in the off-season.

1. How many summers have you been at camp?
This will be my 8th summer!

2. What cabin were you in during the summer of 2019?

3. What is your favorite part about being a counselor at CRC?
My favorite part of being a counselor is being a part of my campers’ Chippewa experience and helping them gain life lessons and grow the same love for camp that I have.

4. What was your favorite memory from the summer of 2019?
My favorite memory from the summer of 2019 was helping teach my campers their Lip Sync and watching them perform it with the biggest smiles on their faces and having the best time. Lip Sync was always my favorite Evening Activity as a camper so I was so happy to be able to watch my campers, who were mostly all new and have never done Lip Sync before, develop the same love for it that I have.

5. What is your favorite camp memory of all time?
My favorite camp memory of all time was Fourth of July my Lakeview summer in 2018. After spending so many long nights working on everything from the mess hall to the carnival, it was the coolest thing to see it all come together into the most amazing day.

6. What are you most looking forward to in the summer of 2020?
I am most looking forward to being back with my campers and my friends, making everlasting memories! After this quarantine, camp is truly something we all need more than ever and I can’t wait to be back!

7. How do you saty in touch with your camp friends during the year?
To stay in touch with my camp friends during the year I text, FaceTime, Zoom and Snapchat.

8. What do you do when you are not at camp?
During the school year, I am the president of the Rotary Interact club at my high school. I am on POMS and involved in dance through my high school as well. Additionally, I am a choreographer for STUNTS and participate in our school’s dance show. I also babysit frequently and volunteer at a preschool.

9. What is something fun you have done while home during quarantine?
Something fun I am doing during this quarantine is I am planning a day of service through Rotary. We are going to be doing different service projects all day including making thank you videos for essential workers, creating videos to send to nursing homes as well as making phone calls to people in nursing homes to brighten their days, making hero work here signs and putting them outside of hospitals and more. I have been working hard to get this ready and can’t wait to help impact our community and hopefully inspire others to do so too!

10. Anything else you want to share with your Chippy family?
I am so excited for summer 2020 and know it will be the best one yet!!