Our February Staff Spotlight features Cara Jones. Cara is an amazing staff member who can truly do it all…and she does it all with a smile on her face! She started camp in 2017 as a member of the riding staff. She provided an fantastic positive energy out at the stables while also enjoying life around camp. She returned to camp in 2018 as Viv’s nanny and got to see a different side of camp. And then, this past summer, she became a cabin counselor ski boat driver. While her role at camp has changed each summer, her love of all things camp has remained a constant. Each day, Cara shows how much she cares for the entire camp community- she demonstrates kindness to everyone she comes in contact with, an enthusiasm for all camp programming and is constantly looking to lend a hand to help camp in any way she can. We feel lucky that Cara is a member of the Chippewa community and are hoping that her career at CRC is just getting started :). Read below to learn more about Cara both durring the camp and off seasons.

1. How many summers have you been at camp?
Three Summers- 2017, 2018, 2019

2. What cabin were you in during the summer of 2019?

3. What is your favorite part about being a counselor at CRC?
The best part about being a counselor is getting to spend my summers having new adventures everyday with the campers, current friends and new friends while getting to learn about them and their lifestyles from all over the world.

4. What was your favorite memory from the summer of 2019?
My best memory from summer 2019 has to be playing Wall Ball on Kahuna Day for Team Scrabble. I had that great kind of laugh where it hurts.

5. What is your favorite camp memory of all time?
My favourite camp memory of all time is getting the opportunity to go to the Noah’s Ark water park in the Wisconsin Dells for the first time in 2018. We don’t have anything like that in the UK so it was such a blessing be able to go.

6. What are you most looking forward to in the summer of 2020?
In summer 2020 I am most looking forward to just getting back to my home away from home, being able to see old friends from all over the globe, making new friends, seeing all the campers again, driving the ski boat around Dam Lake in the sun and of course all of the Chippy dance parties!

7. How do you stay in touch with your camp friends during the year?
Us international staff try to meet up as much as we can for everyone’s birthdays all over the UK and are constantly talking in our group chat. Sometimes we even travel to other countries to see eachother! I went to South Africa in 2017 to see a first year friend.

8. What do you do when you are not at camp?
While I’m not in the happiest place on earth, I am studying sport and exercise science at Cardiff Metropolitan Univeristy where I also play hockey four times a week.

9. Anything else you want to share with your Chippy family?
I am so thankful for all of my Chippy family. Three years ago I made the best decision to come to camp and I can’t imagine what my summers would be without it! I am so blessed to know all the people I do now, and consider them all my friends and family for life. I’m hugely thankful to Sari for giving me this opportunity and to Cliff and Lisa for having me back to their home every year! Chippewa is genuinely my happy place and I can’t wait to see what summer 2020 will hold!