Our December Staff Spotlight features Talia Schor! Talia is an amazing counselor who is loved by campers and staff alike. She is a constant smiling face around CRC, and her enthusiasm about camp and life spreads to anyone she is near. Talia is an incredible asset to our staff team and we are thrilled that she will be back at camp for another summer (and hopefully many more after that!) in 2021. Read below to learn more about Talia’s life at camp and in the off-season.

1. How many summers have you been at camp?
Summer 2021 will be my 9th year at camp!

2. What cabin were you in during the summer of 2019?
I was in C-C in 2019. For 5 days in summer 2020 I was in Blackfoot… and I am going to count that.

3. What is your favorite part about being a counselor at CRC?
I love being able to share my love for camp with my campers and make memories we will always remember. It was so special to be their friend, summer mom, and counselor all in one. I loved watching them grow throughout the summer in 2019, and I can’t wait to see them take the responsibility of being in Lakeview and have their best summer yet!

4. What was your favorite memory from the summer of 2019?
One of the best memories of my CIT summer was canoeing to Watermelon Island at the end of Pony Express. It was so special to be able to canoe with one of my best friends while the whole camp was cheering us on. I have wanted to do that all my camper years and it was surreal that it was me being able to look for the watermelon and canoe back to camp.

5. What is your favorite camp memory of all time?
This is hard because every camp memory is the best one. One memory that sticks out is during my Lakeview summer when my cabin won Lip Sync. Lakeview never wins Lip Sync, and so we were super shocked and excited by this. It was awesome to be able to close our camper experience this way, and of course getting Cathy’s is always awesome (because we know Chippies love their food!).

6. How do you stay in touch with your camp friends during the year?
I know it is cliche, but my camp friends are really my best friends. My age group talks everyday through group chats, FaceTime, Snapchat, etc. And we try to hang out in person as much as possible throughout the off-season.

7. How did you stay connected to CRC during the summer of 2020?
The summer of 2020 was really hard not being at camp all summer, but I kept in touch with the Chippewa community by going to the Zoom campfires and participating in Chippy challenges. My age group also got the chance to rent out a cabin during Cabin Rentals which was the best 5 days of my summer. I also worked at CampWeCome2U (Shoutout to Noa Friedland for starting this camp) and I had a bunch of Chippies as my campers which was super fun!

8. What do you do when you are not at camp?
When I am not at camp, I miss camp a lot and talk about it so much (my home friends get really annoyed with me because I talk about camp constantly). I am a senior at Highland Park High School, where I am the captain of our hip-hop dance team Jammers and the president of Educators of Tomorrow- where we tutor kids in the community. Also I spontaneously joined the tennis team this year and I got to be on the team with one of my campers, which was really funny because she was a lot better than me. I also love to spend time with my friends and binging Netflix.

9. What are you most excited about for the summer of 2021?
After not being at camp for a whole summer I can’t wait for the busses of smiling campers to roll in and everyone to be connected again for the best summer yet. I miss being with my campers, cos, and the entire Chippewa community, and it will be extra special that we haven’t seen each other longer than usual. Also I am excited for paninis and Jen’s smores bars, of course.

10. Anything else you want to share with your Chippy family?
The 22 months for 2 will be worth it this summer! I can’t wait to be with all of you soon.