The Sari Diaries- Monday 7/2/18

Sunday, July 01 by Sari Hirsch

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

I am happy to report that we had another successful day on Dam Lake! From wake-up until bedtime, the weather was great and spirits were high. It was our first day of the second sign-ups and so far, things are off to a fantastic start! Here are the details from today…

This morning at riding, Grace F completed an incredible jump. As if that wasn’t exciting enough, she then beat her climbing record by five seconds! Out on the lake, Sam S got up and around on two skis…way to go Sam! In the Cooking Academy, Mia G made a perfect pretzel…cooking director Sophie Friedland was very impressed! Out on the archery range, Charlotte A became a member of the Olympic Club which means she passed all eight levels of the new archery program and has gotten 25 golds…good work Charlotte!

During rest hour, as I walked through cabins, there were some pretty cute things going on. In Lucky-X, there was a full-on spa happening. Meanwhile, in Circle C, they were playing pick-up sticks and in Wagon Ridge, hair was being braided. I love how with the absence of technology, cabins find ways to make their own fun…they are creative, interacting in person and enjoying the company of their friends.

This afternoon, after announcements, we had a coin ceremony to honor a couple of very deserving campers and staff. Ava Z, Lily A and Zoe G all received impact coins for their commitment to helping others feel at home at Chippewa. Each of them, in their own unique fashion, has gone out of their way to make others feel comfortable and at home at #TheRanch2018. Chanell, our allergy chef, received the selfless coin for her obvious care and dedication to the campers at CRC. She was nominated by multiple campers to be honored for her work. It was definitely a feel-good coin ceremony and the entire camp was excited for those who were recognized.

Tonight at dinner, there was some major Tan & White cheering in preparation for Counselor Hunt. The mess hall was as loud as ever with songs and cheers from both teams. It seems like the cheering really got people ready for an amazing, intense and spirited evening. Staff put on full camo and hid everywhere…some in the woods, some inside couches, some under buildings and others in the dumpster. The Tans and Whites searched all over camp in pairs- eager to find as many hidden staff members as possible. Hannah D and Hailey B were partners for the Tan Team and it was very sweet to see the tallest and smallest campers in camp hand in hand. In totally crazy news pertaining to tonight, Cami W and Amari S found Cliff and Vivien for the third year in a row…unbelievable! Overall, it was an incredible night and while both teams searched hard, the Whites came out on top tonight.

As I am sure you can tell, today was another day of fabulous at CRC. We still have plenty of time but I think campers and staff are beginning to feel like we are in crunch time of first session…we need to be taking advantage of each moment that we have together and each moment that we have at 8258 County O. The vibes are excellent and the Chippy community is in a good place! That’s all for now- thanks for reading…talk to you tomorrow!

Happy Camping and Love,