The Sari Diaries- Sunday 7/17/16

Saturday, July 16 by Sari Hirsch

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

Welcome to the first Sari Diaries of second session at #TheRanch2016. At the end of first session each summer, I tend to feel a bit tired…but then something crazy happens…I get to the second session buses and I feel completely reinvigorated. My energy level rises and the excitement takes over. We had an incredible first session in Chippyland and after today, I am completely confident that the second session will match the amazingness of the first half of our summer! Below are some highlights…

The buses took off a whole five minutes early this morning and the campers were super-eager to get to camp. They enjoyed a couple of movies and some good bonding time. When they arrived at camp, all of the staff, eight-weekers and second-sessioners who had been dropped off greeted them by singing “We Welcome You To Chippewa.” After announcing cabins at the Center Fire Circle, everyone went to check out their beds and tour camp. We had plenty of time for cabin activities before dinner and a ton of fun was had.

After our spaghetti dinner where we celebrated THREE Chippy birthdays, we had our Opening Friendship Fire. There was a talking contest between Zoey J and Maddie E which was pretty funny to watch. We also had a keylog ceremony to unite Chippewa with all of the cities represented at Chippewa this session. We ended the program with all camp s’mores…everyone was thrilled!

As Soph-Aloaf and I walked through cabins before bed, we witnessed some awesome things happening. Blackfoot campers were cute as could be totally ready for bed. Wagon Ridge and Circle C were circled up having a food party (provided by camp, of course) and playing games. And Trailriders was taking advantage of the new open space in their cabin which was nice. Every cabin we went into was happy and enjoying the quiet time on the first night.

Without a doubt, this was the perfect way to start the session. I look forward to writing more over the course of the next four weeks…thanks for reading tonight- have a good one!

Happy Camping and Love,