Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,
We had a fabulous Sunday at #TheRanch2015 today. We had some typical Cabin Day activities along with sign-ups and then the highlight was the evening program! Here are today’s details…
- We obviously started the morning with the traditional Sunday morning breakfast and it was delicious. I had the opportunity to make pancakes instead of scrambles and I really enjoyed the change up. Campers were lined up as early as 7am to be the first to eat everyone’s favorite meal :).
- Throughout the day, age groups participated in a variety of activities. Soph-Aloaf planned this along with LoLo Hannaford and they described it as “a day that has something for everybody.” Campers got to tie-dye, play soccer, make memory books and play trampball among other activities. It was fairly laid back but everyone really enjoyed spending time with their cabinmates and friends.
- The main event today was Songfest. Songfest has been a Tan & White tradition at Chippewa for decades and is a program that our campers have been working incredibly hard on. The Chief and Grand sachems from each team choose a them and this year the themes were The Whites of Oz and Spongebob Square Tans. Going along with each theme, they made up a new cheer and new song. Additionally, the oldest campers from each team created a skit that they performed before the entire team went on stage for the main act. Both skits were hilarious and I loved hearing the new songs. The new cheer (AKA Yucky Beat) is always fun to watch as well and this evenings show was overall amazing! While there can only be only one winner, it is extra difficult to crown one team as the Songfest winners. So much hard work and love have been put in by the sachems and their entire teams- their dedication to this program makes it tough to deem only one winner. That said, the Whites of Oz were victorious tonight! The cheers in the theater once the winning team was announced were awesome as both teams congratulated the others in a job well done. I must say that the sachems were the most impressive in all of this. They kept their composure throughout the entire night and even when the White’s were announced as winning, Audree G and Emily S let their team know how proud they were of their efforts and immediately went to hug the white Chief and Grand Sachem. It is super exciting for the Whites that their song will forever live on at Chippewa and that is part of what makes this event so cool. Equally as important though was the entire Tan team got to see their leaders be incredibly graceful even after a loss. That lesson and demonstration of character is what we are all about here. I am so proud of both teams and absolutely loved watching every second of it!
I guess that’s it for today. It was a good one but now everyone is tired and ready for bed! Thanks for reading- have a wonderful night!
Happy Camping and Love,