Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,
It is amazing how time flies during the summer up at camp! It feels like just yesterday that the buses pulled into camp and week one began. Now we are midway through week three and already wishing time would slow down. Today was a great one and below are the details of the excitement that occurred!

- This morning, twelve members of the Senior Tennis Team headed over to Horseshoe for a mixed doubles tournament. Not only did they play tennis at a high level, they also had a ton of fun. They stayed at Horseshoe for lunch…the boys were very nice hosts…and our girls loved to see how meals run at another camp. Overall, George and Hannah (the two coaches who went with) were very proud and impressed with our campers.

- Throughout the day, activity areas were hopping. I was able to walk out to the South Field to see a number of campers climbing the wall, going down the zipline and jumping on the tramps. Energy was high and everyone was enthusiastically participating in the first day of B-Day activities for the second sign-ups. Although zero fish were caught at fishing all day, rumor has it, they had a lot of laughs on the boats and enjoyed the day on the lake. All over #TheRanch2015, smiling campers were running around and taking in the beautiful day we had.

- Tonight’s event was big…Camper Capture the Flag! The Tans and Whites prepped throughout the day and were both mentally and physically prepared for the game. The cheering at lunch was insane and the spirit going into the game was incredible. The Whites started in the South Field and scored first. Once they switched fields, the Tans came right back with a quick score. Each team captured the other team’s flag one more time before the game ended. It is a huge deal in Chippyland to score during Capture and tonight’s all stars were Ally S, Melissa T, Rachel R and Emily S. Both teams fought hard and the game ended in a tying score of 2-2.
I guess that sums up our day at CRC. Thanks for checking in with us tonight…have a wonderful day!
Happy Camping and Love,