Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,
I don’t want to jinx it, but this week’s weather has been nothing short of incredible. July 11 was no exception and we took full advantage of life at #TheRanch2015 on this sunny and warm day. Here are the highlights…

- This morning, as I passed by the basketball courts, I witnessed a very serious game going on. There were eight Colt Villagers and two Wrangler Villagers who were running up and down the court showing off their skills. Alexis F described the game as being “Really intense and really fun…one of the best of the summer!” In sailing fourth period, I got to help teach and EVERYONE wanted to capsize. It was pretty hot out there so I understand why. It is a part of the progressions in sailing and in addition to a nice cool dip in the lake, I think they were excited to pass into the next level. Most were able to save the capsized boats but some ended up turtling and they had a longer process on their hands. Everybody loved it though and I was ecstatic to be a part of the fun.

- I had the opportunity to watch Rachel (my sister) “glide” across the ropes course this afternoon. Glide might be an overstatement but she definitely overcame some fears and conquered six elements plus the TruBlue. It was funny to watch her from the ground and it was very cute that campers and staff were cheering her on. While out there, I got to see Rachel F as the IA…she did a fantastic job helping campers with their harnesses and aiding in TruBlue dismounts.

- The Chippies hosted Camp Kawaga for a social this evening. We held a carnival with games, prizes, fried Oreos and a dance party. Despite having only half of our staff on tonight, those that were there planned and executed an awesome program for both camps!
And now it is time for me to head to bed after an eventful day. I look forward to writing tomorrow to share with you what is sure to be another fantastic day at CRC.
Happy Camping and Love,