Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,
June 22, 2015 finally arrived and it was an incredible first day of camp. The rain tried to get in our way but nothing could stop the Chippy girls from enjoying every single second of it! Here are today’s highlights…

- The buses arrived at about 3:17pm and the entire staff was at the top of the hill to welcome them with cheering and hugging. Once everyone was off the bus, we went to the Center Fire Circle to announce cabins. As is tradition, Lakeview was the final cabin called and they sang the Lakeview song to kick things off. For me, that is what truly ignites the summer…the oldest campers singing their song for the first time with such passion is awesome to see and hear!

- Once campers were united with their cabinmates and counselors, they went to see the physical cabin, unpacked, walked around camp and played various bonding games. The excitement was through the roof as campers were ecstatic to be back at their home away from home.

- Dinner tonight was delicious- our kitchen staff are one of a kind. Not only do they make some great tasting food, but they also put a ton of care and attention into creating meals that the campers will love. Tonight’s spaghetti and meatballs was a hit and everybody was cheering when Jen’s famous brownies came out for dessert!

- The Opening Friendship Fire was a wonderful way to cap off such an amazing day. Although we had to move it to the theater, it was still a special night. We sang Walking, had a Picolomini competition, did “I See a Bear,” and threw in keylogs to tie together each city represented at #TheRanch2015. It was a very spirited program, and was a clear indication of the spunk and rowdiness of camp this summer!
So there you have it…a fantastical first day at CRC. As I walked around to cabins to say goodnight to the campers, I was reminded of what a special place this is. Campers from all over the country, and staff from all over the world, have the opportunity to spend our summers together. Friendships are formed so quickly and the strength of these camp relationships are as deep as it gets. Even on the opening night of camp, I can see first year campers feeling the magic that is in the air at 8258 County O. I am looking forward to all that is to come this summer and cannot wait to share it with all of you!
Thanks for reading tonight…have a good one!
Happy Camping and Love,