Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,
It was truly a beautiful day in the Northwoods! All day the sun shined and both campers and counselors enjoyed a full day of regular activities. Here is the excitement that occurred at #TheRanch2015…

- It was quite an exciting day in the CRC Cooking Academy. Today was the first day of actual baking and what fun it was! I went to visit this afternoon and got to see campers in action looking and cooking like the real thing. I can tell you firsthand that the chocolate chip cookies were delicious!

- At lunch, staff lined up during announcements to congratulate campers on different activity achievements. Danielle W got the first gold in archery this summer, Grace F caught a huge catfish and Zoey B became a Blue Cap! These were just a few of the highlights, but it is so cool that we are only in day five of camp and campers are already making huge strides in their activities.

- This evening was the first Friday Night Campfire, which is my personal favorite. While every day and every night around here are wild and crazy, Friday nights are the perfect time to reflect on the week. This week’s theme was Advice from A Tree and Katy B led the program. Different campers spoke about the environment and the importance of taking care of it. Sydney M gave the camper sermonette and the CR-Singers (Chippy Choir) led us in some of our campfire favorite songs. Two Circle C campers threw in a keylog for Dylan S for sailing with them instead of with her friends. It was incredibly kind of Dylan to do this and it was amazing that these 10 year-old campers recognized and appreciated her for it.
As the night comes to a close, I am elated to have three of my very dearest camp friends visiting. Shana Goldberg, Jen Polan and Emily Shulman all arrived at 10:07pm and we are thrilled to have them here. Their enthusiasm for camp is contagious and it is always fun for the campers to chat with our alumni. It is now time for bed and to prepare for tomorrow’s festivities. Thanks for reading this evening!
Happy Camping and Love,