Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,
We had a nice day in Chippyland, and despite some crazy weather (pretty standard for this summer ;)), it was an excellent Cabin Day. Here are the highlights…

- This morning was our final Sunday Morning Brunch. Ruth’s Special was a s’mores pancake which was incredibly delicious. Lots of food was ordered and we made more eggs and pancakes than we have all summer! Sunday morning is one of my favorite times each week. We have a ton of fun in the kitchen cooking, but better than that is bringing food out to the campers and enjoying our time with them. It is a pretty unique setting and is an awesome way to get out of the office and into the action of camp!

- Throughout the day, cabins got to go tubing. We rented three awesome tubes from a local rental shop, and the campers loved the different tubes. While it is not a regular daily activity, tubing is extremely popular among the Chippies and everyone enjoyed their time on the lake.

- Tonight, Camp Timberlane came over to watch our production of “Frozen.” The musical was incredible and we are so proud of all of the hard work the cast put into making it an excellent show. The campers who were in it, had a great time, and those who weren’t, really loved watching. It was very cute to see campers as young as seven and as old as fifteen on stage together. Meredith Epstein, Gracie Hoffman, Shana Laski and Lizzie M worked with the campers over the past three weeks to create this entertaining show, and we loved seeing all of the musical talent that we have at #CRC2014.
And that’s our day…another amazing one at camp. Thanks for reading and have a great night!
Happy Camping and Love,