Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,
It has been an excellent day in Chippyland and it seems that everyone is loving the second session. Here are today’s highlights…

- Lakeview left for their trip this morning to Madeline Island. They have lots of fun plans while on and around the island. They were all eager to go on this trip, which is traditionally a great way for Lakeview to get away and enjoy the company of their cabinmates. Thus far, it sounds like they are having a blast!

- With temps in the fifties and a bit of rain throughout the day, most regular activities were able to run. A few of the water activities had to do alternate activities which were lots of fun for the campers. Overall, we overcame what was known as this summer’s polar vortex :).

- Tonight’s evening program was run by Liza Rosenfeld, Olivia Sachs and Mallory McClure. They worked together to put on an awesome Pirate Night. The boys, as always, got very into dressing up as pirates and the campers dressed with their cabins in different colors. Everyone searched around camp for flags as well as the clues to find the buried treasure. In the end, Trailriders and Lucky-X won the evening.

- While most nights cabin counselors work together to plan and implement bonding activities for their campers, tonight was better than ever across the board. Some of the highlights were Two Truths & A Lie, a Scavenger Hunt, Stationary Blackjack, Heads Up, Bunkmate Lip Sync and Counselor Impersonation Pageant. I was so happy to see cabins working together, and the fun that both the campers and counselors were having was pretty cool!
As you can tell, #CRC2014 second session is off to a great start. The staff is working hard to create an incredible camp experience for the campers and the campers are enjoying every second of it. Thanks for reading- have a great night.
Happy Camping and Love,